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The unique Teacher's Seminary in Kiryat Arba Hevron
(branch of the Efrata College)
Invites all women to a Yom Iyun (seminar)
please G-d this coming Tuesday September 30th
At the Oz veGaon Forest
In memory of Gil-Ad, Eyal and Naftali HY"D
The shiurim are in Hebrew
8:30- 9:10 Rabbi Dov Lior Rabbi of Kiryat Arba Hevron
Teshuva according to Halacha
9:20-10:10 Rabbi Chananel Etrog Rosh Yeshiva of Shavei Hevron
את פניך ה' אבקש
10:20- 11:05 Rabbi Yossef Zvi Rimon Rabbi of Southern Alon Shvut
The value of shemitta and its application today
11:05-12:20 Rabanit Idit Itzkowitz teacher at the Teachers' seminary
אור פניך
12:30 – 13:15 Rabbi David Metuki Rosh Yeshiva "Netivot Dror"
אשריכם ישראל
For details: Matnas Kiryat Arba Hevron 02-9961666
Yehudit Katsover- principal of the Teacher's seminary 050-7161818 ihuditk@gmail.com
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לידידנו היקרים,
"שמחה לארצך וששון לעירך"
שתהא שנת תשע"ה שנה טובה, שנה שבה נקדם את ריבונות ישראל על ארץ ישראל, שנה שבה איש לרעהו יאמר חזק,
שנה שבה תמשך רוח האחדות והערבות ההדדית שהתגלו בקיץ האחרון בעם ישראל.
להתראות בע"ה באירועי סוכות ובכל ימות השנה בעוז וגאו"ן
תזכורת: תפילות ראש השנה בבוקר יתקיימו בע"ה בשמורת עוז וגאו"ן. שחרית ב7:30 בבוקר
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
"Happiness to your Land and Joy to your City"
May this new Year of 5775 be a good year, a year in which we will promote Israel's Sovereignty over the Land of Israel, a year in which each we make each other strong, a year in we will continue the spirit of unity and mutual responsibility discovered this past summer among the People of Israel.
See you all in Oz VeGaon for our Sukkot and round-the-year events.
We remind you that Rosh Hashana morning prayers will take place in Oz veGaon with Shacharit starting at 7:30 am.
Shana Tova,
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
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תפילות ראש השנה בשמורת עוז וגאו"ן
חברים יקרים,
אנו מזמינים אתכם להצטרף לתפילות הבוקר שיתקיימו בע"ה בעוז וגאו"ן בימי א' וב' דראש השנה .
נוכחותכם חשובה להשלמת המניין ולהגברת הנוכחות היהודית בעוז וגאו"ן
יום חמישי, א' דראש השנה – 7:30 בבוקר: שחרית עם ד"ר מייק באום מאפרת
מוסף עם נתנאל בוקס ממגדל עוז
בעל תוקע: ד"ר מיייק באום
17:30 תשליך
יום שישי, ב' דראש השנה – 7:30 בבוקר: שחרית עם ד"ר מיכאל וילשנסקי מאלעזר
מוסף עם אבי ברנשטיין מאלעזר
בעל תוקע: דוד ברודר מאלעזר
נא להביא מחזורים מהבית
יש עירוב לעוז וגאו"ן- גם ממגדל עוז וגם מצומת הגוש דרך השביל.
למגיעים דרך קיבוץ מגדל עוז- נא צרו קשר עם 0505500834 ביום רביעי בבוקר כדי לקבל את הקוד של המנעולים.
היו שותפים- אנא העבירו מייל זה לכל רשימותיכם.
בברכת שנה טובה, שנת עוז וגאו"ן,
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
0507161818 0505500834
Rosh Hashana Tefillot in Oz veGaon
Dear Friends,
We invite you to join the Rosh Hashana davening that will, please G-d, take place in Oz veGaon on Thursday and Friday morning. Your presence is very important to complete the minyan and to strengthen the Jewish presence at Oz veGaon.
Thursday, First day of Rosh Hashana
7:30 am Shacharit with Dr. Mike Baum from Efrat
Mussaf with Netanel Buchs from Migdal Oz
Shofar blower: Dr. Mike Baum
5:30 pm Tashlich
Friday, Second Day of Rosh Hashana
7:30 am Shacharit with Dr. Michael Wilschanski from Elazar
Mussaf with Avi Bernshtein from Elazar
Shofar blower: David Broder from Elazar
Please bring your own machzorim
There is an eiruv to Oz veGaon- also from Migdal Oz and also from the Gush Etsion intersection (through the path)
For those walking from Efrat through Migdal Oz, please call 0505500834 on Wednesday morning to get the code of the locks to the gates
Be partners- please forward this email to all your lists
With blessings for a Shana Tova, a year of Oz veGaon,
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
050-7161818 050-5500834
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שישי בעוז וגאו"ן
מחר, שישי , כ"ד אלול ב9:00 בבוקר נשמע בע"ה את שיעורו של הרב רפי טוויל, ר"ם בישיבת אורות יהודה
על הנושא "יסוד השמיעה בראש השנה"
כאן המקום להודות לרב רפי טוויל על החיזוק והעידוד בעוז וגאו"ן מרגע הקמתה.
כל ליל שבת הרב מתחזק את המנין ומביא מתפללים נוספים וכן אנשים שיכולים לעזור לשמורה. תודה!
ב"ה גם השבוע היו מבקרים רבים בשמורה. בין היתר הגיעו אלינו מהארץ ומהעולם:
- גולדי סטיינר , יו"ר "קנדים למען הזכויות החוקיות של ישראל"
-הרב דוד אלגזי מקהילת חבורת ישראל בניו-יורק
- משלחת של מפעל מעוז ממגדל עוז טיילה באזור ובקרה בשמורה
-בנות מגדל עוז באו לבוקר של לימוד
-מכללת הרצוג קיימה בעוז וגאון את ישיבת ההנהלה שלה
-80 תלמידים מישיבת מקור חיים בילו שעות רבות בעוז וגאון בעבודות לפיתוח הגבעה. בסוף היום קיימו ערב שירה ולימוד עם משפחת פרנקל
- עשרות בנות מאולפנת ישורון פתח תקווה הגיעו לעבוד בגבעה
- עשרות בנות מתוכנית אתרוג באולפנת נווה חנה הגיעו גם הן
-ביום שישי יגיעו לביקור בנות מדרשת הרובע עם הרב ארי שיימס
תודה לכל המבקרים! ברוכים הבאים! תמשיכו לבא, לחגוג
לשיר, לעבוד, ללמוד, למנגל, לתרום,להפוך את המקום לחי ותוסס
ראש השנה בעוז וגאו"ן
ממשיכות ההכנות לתפילות ראש השנה בעוז וגאו"ן-
הציבור מוזמן. מאד יעזור אם תודיעו לנו לאיזה תפילות אתם מתכוונים להגיע כדי שנוודא שיש לנו מניין.
נא שלחו לנו מייל או סמס לפלאפון 050-5500834
תפילת שחרית של ראש השנה תתחיל בע"ה ב7:30 בבוקר
פרטים סופיים אודות בעלי התפילה יפורסמו באימייל הישובי בע"ה ביום ראשון הקרוב
אנו מחפשים תוקע שופר ליום שישי, ב' דראש השנה
מי שמתכוון לשהות בראש השנה בשמורה מתבקש להירשם עד יום ראשון בערב אצל מיכל לוקימסון 054-7679043
שבת שלום,
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
Friday at the Oz veGaon Forest
Tomorrow Friday, 24 Elul (September 19), at 9:00 a.m.,
we will hear a lecture by Rabbi Rafi Tawil, ram in the Orot Yehudah yeshivah, on "The Secret of Listening on Rosh Hashanah"
Now is the time to thank Rabbi Tawil for his encouragement and support of Oz veGaon since its very beginning. Every Shabbat eve the rabbi comes to bolster the minyan and brings additional worshipers, as well as people who can aid the development of the Forest. Thank you!
This week, as well, many visitors came to Oz veGaon, from Israel and abroad:
* Goldi Steiner, chairperson Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights
* Rabbi David Algaze, from the Havurat Yisrael congregation in New York
* A delegation from the Maoz factory in Migdal Oz toured the area and visited the reserve
* Girls from Migdal Oz came for a morning of study
* Herzog College held a meeting of its administration at the Forest
* 80 students from Makor Chaim Yeshiva spent many hours at Oz veGaon engaged in development work. At the end of the day, they had a study sing-along evening with the Fraenkel family
* Dozens of girls from Ulpanat Yeshurun in Petach Tikva came for a day of work in the Forest
* Dozens of girls from Neveh Channah High School Etrog program came to work and study
* Today Friday, girls from Midreshet HaRova will with Rabbi Ari Shames for a visit
Our thanks to all the visitors!
Welcome! Keep coming, to celebrate, sing, work, study, barbecue, contribute, and to turn the site into a living and lively center!
Rosh Hashana at Oz veGaon
Preparations for the tefillot of Rosh Hashana at Oz Vegaon continue.
It would help us very much if you would tell us to which tefilla you plan on coming, so we know for sure that we will have a minyan
Please email us or send us an sms to 050-5500834
Shacharit will start at 7:30 am. Final details of the baalei tefillot will be sent by email on Sunday please G-d.
We are looking for a shofar blower for Friday the second day of the chag- if you can do it please call us asap
For those planning on spending Rosh Hashana on the hill- please register by Sunday evening by calling Michal Lukimson 054-7679043
Shabbat Shalom,
Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834
Link to donations and safe online US tax deductible donations: http://www.womeningreen.org/help
שישי בעוז וגאו"ן
ביום שישי הקרוב י"ז אלול 12/9 בשעה 9:00 נגיע לשמורת עוז וגאו"ן לשיעור מפי רותי וולפיש, ראש חוג לתנ"ך במכללת אפרתה וחברת ועד למען שדמה יהודית, על הנושא: ימי תשובה וחשבון נפש.
להסעות מירושלים נא להרשם אצל חוי ברוק 050-4166198
להסעות מקרית ארבע חברון 054-8034853
נא להרשם להסעות עד השעה 12:00 בצהריים ביום חמישי
באים ונהנים משיעור על רמה, קפה וטעימה.
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
This coming Friday September 12th at 9:00 am we will, please G-d, go to ozveGaon and hear a shiur by Ruthie Wallfish, head of the tanach chug in Michlelet Efrata, member of the committee for a Jewish Shdema on the topic: Days of Repentance and soul searching.
Lecture in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into English
For rides from Jerusalem please call Chavi Bruch 050-4166198
For rides from Kiryat Arab hevron please call Rivka Ryback 054-8034853
All registration not later than noon on Thursday please
Come one come all for an uplifting shiur, accompanied by coffee and cake
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
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כאן בונים תיירות
מצורפת הכתבה של אורלי גולדקלנג על עוז וגאו"ן
הכתבה פורסמה בדיוקן של מקור ראשון של שבוע שעבר
The following article appeared in Hebrew in this past Friday's Mekor Rishon, Diukan, September 5, 2014, pp. 4-5
written by Orly Goldklang
translated into English by Women in Green
Here we are Building Tourism by Orly Goldklang
It's hard to miss the tourist sign leading to Givat Oz veGaon, if only because of the picture of the three kidnapped youths that it bears and that causes a twinge in your heart. As soon as you leave your car, the smell of a Bnei Akiva camp fills the air, the smell of youth, summer, and everything that was taken from those three, as if it comes to compensate those who remain here.
This was a Monday, Tammuz 2 [June 30], the last day of the past school year. At eight that night the official announcement was received about the finding of the missing youths' bodies. At eight and one minute Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar were already on the way to the Gush Etzion junction with sleeping bags and an inexhaustible amount of ambition. The objective was the nearby hill, but on the way they came across a spontaneous assembly of Gush Etzion residents close to the hitchhiking station where the kidnapping took place, and they joined the crying and prayers there. Later that night they came to the site reinforced by many supporters, and began to prepare the hill, that is named after the three youths: Gilad, Eyal, and Naftali. Nine and a half weeks later, it's hard to believe that not long ago this was a bare, rocky hill, not to mention - a garbage heap, with an abandoned and filthy Jordanian structure.
Nadia and Yehudit know their work. There is nothing makeshift or temporary here. There are signs, there is order, there is organization. The Jordanian structure was spit-and-polished that very night, trails were prepared, along with a not inconsiderable number of hearts and minds. The first generator arrived, and after it a steel door and windows were purchased. They say that they find Divine Providence everywhere there. For example, on the first night, when they discovered a well with water that proved helpful in scrubbing the place, or, for instance, the dozens of volunteers who spent this summer building the sites, or the donations of food, trees for planting, and wood for furniture.
This is not going to be a yishuv ("settlement"). We are not talking about Tekoa E or Bat Ayin D, of blessed memory. The establishment of yishuvim has become a dirty word , and at any rate, the time has come to advance a bit. A ramified tourist corner is situated here, one that is taking its first steps with impressive speed. The full vision of the two Women in Green includes guest rooms and a museum, a visitors' center, and even a hotel. Nature has provided the rich forest, they plan to mobilize the rest.
A New Kitchen and Mosaic Paving
They met during the struggle against the disengagement, two women infused with faith and charm, who are twenty years apart in age. Somehow, the older woman of vision and the younger, temperamental one became best friends. Which one is the actual leader of all this? Depends who you ask. If you ask Nadia, it is clear to her that Yehudit is the leader. If you ask Yehudit - you guessed right - Nadia is the one who leads. They shared a tent at the site during the first three weeks of setting up. Two women who already have grandchildren, one of them is approaching seventy, set up shop in the heart of the forest and continued working.
After years of major struggles, they no longer believe in petitions or calls for protest. "If you collected ten thousand signatures and you succeeded in making noise," Nadia says, "so what? Without a presence on the ground, it doesn't work."
The ground, in this case, is the heart of the matter. When the south was in flames and the north suffered from a dearth of visitors, this natural tourist pearl succeeded in attracting many scores of youth and adults who are the farthest away from the hilltop youth that can be imagined. A Canadian Jewish National Fund delegation worked here and prepared paths, youth from Ezra and Bnei Akiva who came from throughout Israel planted, cleaned, developed. Groups from Bat Yam and Petah Tikvah built wooden tables and pergolas. And alongside this, the weekly activity of Women in Green (Women for Israel's Tomorrow, to be precise) moved to here.
Surprise - this doesn't anger the army. To the contrary. When we begin the local tour, we are joined by a group in uniform. As they draw nearer, we see among them the deputy commander of the Etzion Battalion, Eitan Picard, and Safi, the Druze ordinance officer, who immediately gives out tips on the right way to plant medicinal herbs. Whatever you need, Picard says, just ask. The Etzion Battalion commander, Amit Yamin, visited here that same day together with the [Gush Etzion Local] Council head. "He was all white and filthy, after 18 days of searching," Nadia relates. "This, our presence here, caused him to smile after the long, tense days." Like him, politicians who visited here, too, have already given their blessing.
Our tour passes alongside ecological toilets. Yes, the color green has several meanings here. Toilets with sawdust, water recycling, recycled materials. An ecological hill? I ask, doubtful, and the two give up and admit: This is the thing of the young people, they brought it. The young are the forest guardians, headed by the Kimhe couple and their outdoors baby who manages to charm everyone here. The cute one year-old baby, who in the first days was afraid to step on the stones here, now confidently runs between the children's corner and the social coffee house (five shekels for a cup, for those interested) that was opened in the Jordanian house, and which now boasts a new kitchen and impressive mosaic paving.
In addition to the Kimhe family, we also find staying in the spacious (separate) tent area Efraim and his group. A young man with a heavy Russian accent, a student in Rabbi Neeman's Zionist Midrasha, who set up here together with other Midrasha graduates. Nadia and Yehudit beam with pleasure. The two hard-working directors have nothing but admiration for the young generation that has joined together with them, and for the 75-year-old Orbach from Alon Shvut who directs the construction work.
Historical Leap
The barbecue and zula hangout are already set up. But don't let all this deceive you. "People come here to work," Nadia says. "Parents came to us with tears in their eyes, and explained what this place did for their children. They don't move at home, but here, all of a sudden, they want to show their parents the wonderful thing that they built with the own two hands."
Along with the high-profile memorial service for the three youths, and the trees that were planted in their memory, several celebrations have already been held here. There was already a brit (circumcision) and a sheva berakhot here, and a seventieth birthday party for a grandmother in whose honor a fig tree was planted. If you're considering a celebration in the area, don't wait too long. Several additional events are already signed up - from bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs to weddings, and other events. Not to mention the Sukkot events that are approaching.
The finely cared for hill still isn't ready for a young woman in high heels, but every day that passes here, another path is prepared and another part of the place is brought to life. Anyone who came this week will not recognize it in another month. But as Nadia promised, Yehudit looks far ahead. "This will be a rural area in the style of Neve Ativ in the Golan. A small place that preserves a rich and pampering tourist area." And when she says small place, she obviously looks out at the nearby hill and the nearby target, for it should be mentioned: "Under no conditions will any tree, plant, or branch be cut from it, just as we are adamant in the current area."
Where does the strength to dream come from, I ask Yehudit, one of the thirteen women from [Beit] Hadassah [in Hebron], who have been engaged in settlement activities already for decades. "If you stand still for a moment, you go backwards," Yehudit says. "You have to think and plan ahead all the time."
The evening hour of the month of Elul, the air of Gush Etzion begins to be cool. What will be in the winter, I ask them, but they aren't getting excited. "Don't ask what will be in the winter," Yehudit says. "Come. Give your support. It will be a fine winter here. Nahshon son of Aminadav did not ask what will be in the winter when he leaped into the sea. He did not wonder what was the temperature of the water or whether it was cold."
A moment after that historic leap into the water, the gates of the Red Sea opened and the Children of Israel passed through on dry ground. Oz veGaon has already succeeded in opening the southern gate of Migdal Oz and in renewing the Jewish presence on the road leading to it. When Nadia and Yehudit stand as a wall on their right and on their left, dozens of young people and adults already pass along the way, preparing it for the next generation. Of them, and perhaps of the State, as well.
Two sleeping bags, a generator, and ambition. Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover
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English translation follows Hebrew text
אלול בשמורת בעוז וגאו"ן
למרות שחופשת הקיץ הסתיימה, בעוז וגאו"ן ממשיכים ב"ה להתקיים פעילויות שונות ומגוונות:
להלן רשימה חלקית של אירועים שהתקיימו:
* ערב שירה עם להקת שירת הלוויים בהשתתפות הרב גדעון פרל ונציגות של משפחות הנערים
לינק להופעה המלאה: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCTrm-AIDKA&list=UU2BQ9Ug9niueKD0R6Nf3F2A
* ביקור תמיכה והזדהות של תושבי רעננה וכפר סבא בהובלת חברנו אילן הירשפלד
* יום עבודה לפיתוח עוז וגאו"ן על ידי סטודנטים מקנדה שבאו לארץ עם תוכנית המנהיגות של קרן קיימת לישראל
* יום עבודה לפיתוח הגבעה על ידי בני עקיבא חיספין בגולן
* פיקניק בעוז וגאו"ן של 50 עולים סטודנטים מברית המועצות השייכים לתוכנית "שישישבת"
* שבע ברכות
* מסעדת אנא טיכו בירושלים שסגרה את שעריה,תרמה חלק מהציוד של המסעדה לכבוד הקמת בית קפה חברתי בעוז וגאו"ן-תודה!
* ערב סליחות שאורגן ע"י הרב רפי טוויל (תמונות מצורפות קרדיט מירי צחי)
* ברית מילה של משפחת ברנר http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/283158
* מוצ"ש - ערב שירה בציבור שאורגן ע"י נוער גוש עציון
בנוסף מגיעים כל הזמן אנשים מקרוב ומרחוק כדי להרבות נוכחות בגבעה. הן על ידי לימוד, קיום ישיבות עבודה, ופיקניק ושמחות עם המשפחה וכו'
בע"ה בשבועיים הקרובים מתוכננים להגיע קבוצות רבות של תלמידים להמשך עבודת פיתוח הגבעה.
אתם מוזמנים גם!
בראש השנה יתקיימו בעוז וגאו"ן בע"ה כל התפילות
אנחנו מחפשים ליום הראשון של ראש השנה חזן למוסף. חוץ מזה כל התפילות כבר אורגנו.
תודה לאנשי אלעזר, אפרת , מגדל עוז ואלון שבות.
אנו קוראים לכם כבר היום להירשם לשהות בעוז וגאו"ן בראש השנה – נא התקשרו למיכל לוקימסון 054-7679043
לתושבי הישובים הנ"ל המתכוונים להגיע לתפילות במשך ראש השנה- - אנא הודיעו לנו בהקדם כך שנדע בוודאות שיש לנו מניין
רשמו ביומן:
בע"ה יום שישי א' דחול המועד סוכות 10/10 בשעה 11:00: שמחת בית השואבה בעוז וגאו"ן
*עם הרב דב זינגר, סגן השר אופיר אקוניס, ח"כ הרב אלי ישי, ראש מועצת גוש עציון מר דוידי פרל ונציגות המשפחות .
*בתוכנית: להקת בנצי טי ופעילות לילדים, בלונים, מתקנים אתגריים, בעלי חיים ועוד
* כל המעוניינים להפעיל דוכנים עם דברי אומנות, בגדים, ספרים, צעצועים וכו מתבקשים לפנות למספר 0505500834
החורף מתקרב. בלילות כבר קר. מבצע התרמה לאוהלי חורף לעוז וגאו"ן ממשיך במלוא התנופה. אל תשאלו מה יהיה בחורף. תרמו והיו שותפים חמים.
לפרטים לתרומות אנא הקליקו על: http://www.womeningreen.org/givatOzWinter/hebrew
דרוש: מתנדבים לשמירה בעוז וגאו"ן
נשמח למתנדבים לשמירה בכל שעות היום והלילה. נא לפנות לאלישיב קמחי 054-2007354
בברכת עוז וגאו"ן
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
Elul in the Oz veGaon Nature Preserve
Although summer has ended, a wide range of activities continue to be held at Oz veGaon
Here is a partial list of what has taken place:
* A sing-along evening with the Shirat Halevi'im group, with the participation of Rabbi Gideon Perl, and representatives of the three boys' families
Link to a short video with English subtitles:
Link to the entire performance:
* A solidarity visit by residents of Raanana and Kfar Saba, led by our dear friend Ilan Hirschfeld
* A work day for the development of Oz veGaon by students from Canada who came to Israel with the Jewish National Fund Leadership Program
* A work day for the development of Oz veGaon by Bnei Akiva, from Hispin in the Golan Heights
* A picnic at Oz veGaon with 50 olim students from the FSU, from the Shishishabbat (Friday-Saturday) program
* A sheva berakhot
* The Anna Ticho restaurant in Jerusalem, that closed, donated some of its equipment for the establishment of a social coffee house at Oz veGaon- thank you!
* An evening of selihot was organized by Rabbi Rafi Tawill (attached photos: Miri Tzahi)
* The first brit milah (circumcision) at Oz veGaon by the Brenner family
* A Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) sing-along evening that was organized by Gush Etzion youth
In addition, people keep coming from near and far to increase the Jewish presence on the hill: to study, conduct business meetings, picnics with the family, and the list goes on. In the coming weeks, different groups of schoolchildren are expected to come and continue the development of the hill.
You are invited, too!
Rosh Hashana at OzveGaon:
All the Rosh Hashanah prayers will, please G-d, be held on Oz veGaon. We still need someone to lead the Mussaf prayer on the first day; all the other prayers are covered - our thanks to the residents of Elazar, Efrat, Migdal Oz and Alon Shvut.
You can already sign up today for spending Rosh Hashanah at Oz veGaon: call Michal Lukimson, 054-7679043.
For those from the nearby yishuvim mentioned above who plan on davening in Oz veGaon on Rosh Hashana, please tell us so we know for sure that we will have a minyan.
Mark your calendar: Friday, first day of Hol Hamoed Sukkot at 11:00 am - come one come all to Oz veGaon
Please G-d, October 10, Friday, the first day of Hol ha-Moed of Sukkot, at 11:00 a.m.:
Simhat Beit ha-Sho'evah at oz veGaon
* with Rabbi Dov Singer, Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis, MK Rabbi Eli Yishai, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council Davidi Perl, and representatives of the families
* On the program: Benzi Thee's band and activities for children - balloons, adventure playground, animals etc...
*Want to have a stand for works of art, clothing, books, toys, and more? Call 0505-500834
Winter is approaching, and it's already getting cold at night.
The campaign for winter tents at Oz veGaon is ongoing. Please Contribute and be active - and warm - partners.
For details: http://www.womeningreen.org/givatOzWinter/english
Needed: volunteers for guard duty at OzveGaon
Volunteers are needed for guard duty, around the clock. Please call Eliashiv Kimhi - 054-2007354
With the blessings of Oz veGaon
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
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