יום שלישי, 25 בספטמבר 2018

[nashimbyarok-WIG] BDE Chana Bernstein z"l ברוך דיין אמת חנה ברנשטיין ז"ל


English follows Hebrew

ברוך דיין אמת – חנה ברנשטיין ז"ל

מסע החיים הכה מלאים באהבת ארץ ישראל ועם ישראל של חנה ברנשטיין הגיע לסופו.

חנה ז"ל , יחד עם יונה שתבדל לחיים ארוכים, בחרו לעשות בכל יכולתם למען הדבר שהיה היקר ביותר בעיניהם- ארץ ישראל.

השתתפו בפעילות של נשים בירוק מראשית התנועה, תמיד הגיעו עם כרזות מקוריות ומעל לכל תרמו למאחזים חדשים ביהודה ושומרון. אנו זוכרות שבזמנו, בתוך ביתן בחצר הקטנה שלהן בנו במו ידיהן  מבנה שלם ותרמו אותו לאחד המאחזים. המבנה נהרס בפינוי אלים .זה לא הרתיע את חנה ויונה מלהמשיך לתמוך בכל היאחזות בארץ ישראל. לא היה צריך לבקש ולהתחנן לתרומה. הן שמעו על מקום ונתנו מכל הלב.

מעבר למעשיהן למען ארץ ישראל, ראוי לציין את החברות הנפלאה שהיתה ביניהן שנבעה מאותן אידיאלים, מאותם העדפות ופעולות. עלו ביחד לארץ ישראל מארה"ב ב1985.

יונה יקרה, יהיה לך קשה בלי החצי השני שלך. אנחנו חברותייך כאן אתך. נשמח לעזור בכל דבר ובכל עת.

זכויות רבות עומדות לרשות חנה וכולן יבואו לפני הכסא של רבנו של עולם וילחצו עליו להמשיך את אורו והשגחתו על ארצו ועל תושביה. יהי זכרה של חנה ברוך.

הלוויה תתקיים היום יום רביעי בשעה 18:00 בהר המנוחות. אחותה תשב שבעה לאחר שמחת תורה.

בבנין ארץ ישראל ננוחם,


יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר וכל משפחת נשים בירוק

Baruch Dayan Emett – Chana Bernstein, z"l

Chana Bernstein's journey of life, so full of love for the Land of Israel and the People of Israel has come to an end.

Chana, obm, together with Yonah, may she live a long life, chose to do everything in their power for the thing that was most dear to them – the Land of Israel.

Chana and Yonah took part in Women in Green's activities from the first days of the movement's beginnings, always came with original posters and more than anything else, contributed to the new outposts in Judea and Samaria. We remember the time when Chana and Yonah built an entire structure with their own hands  in their yard and then donated it to one of the outposts. The structure was destroyed as part of a violent evacuation. This did not stop Chana and Yonah from continuing to cling to the Land of Israel and help to develop it with all of their strength. There was no need to ask or beg for a donation. They heard about a place in need and gave with all their hearts.

Besides what they did for the Land of Israel, it is worth noting the wonderful friendship that they had between them, which stemmed from the same idealism, the same priorities and activities. They came together on Aliya to the Land of Israel from the U.S. in 1985.

Yonah dear, it will be difficult for you without your other half. We, your friends, are here for you. We will be happy to help any time, in any way that we can.

Chana obm has many merits in her favor and they will all come before the Almighty's throne and convince him to continue His light and His protection over His Land and her residents. May the memory of Chana be for a blessing.

The funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkot at 6:00pm on Har Menuhot. Her sister will sit shiva in Jerusalem after Simhat Torah.

May we be consoled with building the Land of Israel,

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar and the entire Women in Green family

[nashimbyarok-WIG] The critical piece of information ידיעת הזהב



מועדים לשמחה

להלן תרגום לאנגלית של המאמר של מוטי קרפל שפורסם במקור ראשון בשישי האחרון, י"ב תשרי תשע"ט 21/9/2018

ידיעת הזהב

כל עוד ממשל טראמפ אינו עוקר מהשורש את רעיון המדינה הפלסטינית, בגזרות החדשות שלו יש חדש אבל אין בהן ממש.

הדרך היחידה לשנות את המצב מיסודו היא הכרעת היומרה הלאומית שלהם...הדבר מחייב הכרעה מדינית: החלת מטרייה ריבונות ישראלית על כל שטחי יהודה ושומרון וחיסול הרשות הפלסטינית.




The critical piece of information

As long as the Trump Administration does not uproot the idea of a Palestinian state , in its new decrees against the PA there is something new but nothing real.

The only way to change the situation fundamentally is to address their false nationalist pretentions and cut them off from the root.

This calls for political resolve: the application of an umbrella of Israel sovereignty over the entire expanse of Judea and Samaria and eliminating the Palestinian Authority.

Motti Karpel, Makor Rishon Friday Sptember 21, 2018

Translated into English by Sally Zahav for the Sovereignty Movement

Each morning, as I check how relations between the Trump administration and the Palestinian Authority are changing, I search eagerly for the key piece of information.  The decrees that the Trump administration issues against the PA indeed continue at a dizzying pace and every week we hear more news on the subject, but none of this is what I hope to find. Cutting off funds for UNRWA, changing and redefining the status of the refugees, closing the offices in Washington, the recent news regarding the Palestinian emissary's expulsion from Washington and cutting off funding for organizations that arrange meetings between Palestinians and Israelis – all of this is refreshing news, but it is not what I am looking for.

The main question is whether the rhetoric of the Trump administration's representatives is sincere – whether all of these decrees are just meted out to the PA as punishment for refusing to take part in the president's "deal of the century" and their purpose is only to bring the PA back to the negotiating table; or alternatively, perhaps the decrees are intended to dry out the Palestinian Authority and eliminate it once and for all. Both possibilities are still open. If the first possibility is correct, we are happy about the decrees but they cannot produce a fundamental change and they cannot lead to a true solution of the "Palestinian problem".

The key piece of information that I am so eagerly awaiting is a disclosure that there is ongoing contact between American and local leaders of the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria – heads of clans, mayors of cities and villages, people like the activist for human rights Bassam Id for instance- while ignoring and circumventing the PA. This is the news that I am looking for.

Because any agreement with the Palestinian Authority, even under the best conditions from our point of view, cannot change the situation fundamentally. An agreement with the Palestinian Authority and the PLO will never be able to solve the "Palestinian problem". Because the root of the problem is the Palestinians' false claim to national ownership of this Land – a competing, conflicting and hostile claim to our own claim. As long as there is no resolution of this issue nothing will have changed. An agreement with the PA must be signed by those who make this fraudulent claim, and therefore, it will remain as is. This claim can only be overcome by utterly uprooting it.

As long as the Palestinian flag is hoisted over parts of the Land of Israel, whether on top of one isolated facility in Ramallah or as part of a "confederation" with Jordan, this fraudulent national claim will not be eliminated. At any rate, in the best case, there could only be a local improvement in the political-security and geopolitical situation that we are subject to. This is not a fundamental change. Tomorrow, Trump might fall or be replaced, the interests of the "moderate" Arab states might change, Hamas might take over or win electorally and this root bearing gall and wormwood would bloom anew with even greater strength, even though it had been cut down.

We compare the various political plans according to the parameter of area: are we talking about annexing the entire Area C or only settlement blocs, or only Greater Jerusalem, and so forth. But this is not a suitable criterion: the main question is not the size of the annexed area but the political status of the remaining territory. Will Israeli sovereignty be applied upon it or not? This is the most important question.

As long as the PA exists, it must be hostile to Israel. It must incite against us and we will remain its main enemy, because there is no other "togetherness" that is capable of consolidating and uniting this rabble – it is a collection of individuals who are deceptively called "the Palestinian people". "The resistance" is their only glue.

The only way to change the situation fundamentally is to address their nationalist pretentions and cut them off from the root. This calls for political resolve: the application of an umbrella of Israel sovereignty over the entire expanse of Judea and Samaria and eliminating the Palestinian Authority. Under this umbrella of Israeli sovereignty, on the basis of the individual, the regional or the clan – but decidedly not on a national basis – there could many, varied types of solutions.

The question that bothers me is whether the Trump administration's decrees are intended to bring the Palestinian Authority back to the negotiating table, or they are intended to cause its collapse. If it seems that together with these decrees, the Trump Administration is beginning to have political contact with authentic local representatives, who are not engaged in nationalist claims, but rather, humanitarian efforts to improve the lives of the Arab population in Judea and Samaria – on the basis of the clan, local council or even cantons, as suggested by Dr. Mordechai Kedar – this would be a sign that there really is something to the American plan.

There are many Arab public figures who understand that the goal of the Palestinian Authority is only to take care of itself and that it actually harms the interests of the people, and they would be very happy to see it end and have somebody else take its place. If the United States of America, with all of its political and economic weight and importance, would stand with these people, they would feel that there is someone to depend on, someone to work with and talk with, they would dare to take the chance, take responsibility and take the step.

As long as this horizon is not opened, the Trump administration's decrees are new but do not accomplish much.

יום ראשון, 16 בספטמבר 2018

[nashimbyarok-WIG] ארי פולד הי"ד Ari Fuld, may G-d avenge his blood


ארי פולד- אבידה ענקית למאבק על ארץ ישראל ועל המאבק לריבונות ישראל.


ארי נאחז בארץ ישראל בכל הכלים שעמדו לרשותו. איש חזק שהקרין עוצמה וכבוד יהודי. נטש את הגולה ואת הגלותיות. התייצב במלא אונו להכשיר את הדור הבא לאמנו לעמידה איתנה וגאה כפי שהוא עמד ברגעיו האחרונים כאשר מחבל ערבי שפל תקף מהגב, ארי שלף את נשקו וירה במחבל.


ארי היה שותף למאבק לריבונות ישראל על ארץ ישראל, ליווה את פעילות התנועה בכנסים ובעיקר בכנס נוער ריבונות האחרון בחודש מאי. מצלמתו הנציחה את הארוע בפייסבוק בשמחה ובאופטימיות. מן הראוי שהנצחתו תהיה על ידי התיישבות והחלת הריבונות. כל תגובה אחרת לא תשקף את עוצמת הוויתו היהודית.


יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר


תנועת הריבונות


  * Our friend Ari Fuld covered the event live on Facebook and gave comments in English- here are the links:


1)    Ari Fuld interviews MK Sharren Haskel and Betsalel Smotrich at Sovereignty youth conference (in English): https://www.facebook.com/SwordOfIsrael/videos/1687406591367254/


2)    Ari Fuld arrives at the conference and meets the hundreds of youth: https://www.facebook.com/SwordOfIsrael/videos/1687285534712693/


3) Ari Fuld Part 2 https://www.facebook.com/SwordOfIsrael/videos/1687369564704290/


* Sovereignty website Photos:  http://www.ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=207&lang=2


Ari Fuld, may G-d avenge his blood


Ari Fuld – an enormous loss in the battle for the Land of Israel and in the battle for Israeli sovereignty.


Ari held fast to the Land of Israel using every tool at his disposal. A strong, person who radiated power and Jewish pride, he left the diaspora behind, and with it, the diaspora worldview. He totally dedicated himself to instilling faith in the next generation. He stood strong and proud, even in his final moments as a cowardly Arab terrorist stabbed him in the back, Ari took out his weapon and shot the terrorist.


Ari took part in the battle for Israeli sovereignty over the Land of Israel; he participated in the movement's activities and gatherings, especially in the most recent youth conference that was held in May. He recorded the event on Facebook joyfully and optimistically. His memory should be perpetuated by settlement and the application of sovereignty. Any other response would not reflect his strong Jewish identity.


Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar


The Sovereignty Movement



[nashimbyarok-WIG] Kapparot for Sovereignty כפרות לריבונות



English follows Hebrew


חברים יקרים


תנועת הריבונות, מייסודה של נשים בירוק,

קוראת לכם להמשיך ולקחת חלק בתנופה, ביוזמה בעשייה ובתרומה!


תורמים את פדיון הכפרות שלנו לעתיד הכם כולו, ליישום חזון הריבונות על ארץ ישראל.


התרומה מוכרת לצורכי מס



תודה! שנה טובה, גמר חתימה טובה.


תהא שנת ריבונות!



יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר

תנועת הריבונות







Kapparot for Sovereignty


Dear Friends,

The Sovereignty Movement, founded by  Women in Green,

calls upon you to continue to participate in the drive, the initiative,

the activity and the contribution!


Approaching Yom Kippur, please contribute the monetary value of your Kapparot

toward the future of the entire Jewish people,

to the application of the vision of Sovereignty over the Land of Israel.


Contributions are tax-deductible


For safe online Israeli tax-deductible donations:




For safe online US tax-deductible donations:




Thank you! Shana Tova, Gmar Chatima tova,


May this be a year of Sovereignty!




Yehudit Katsover & Nadia Matar





יום רביעי, 5 בספטמבר 2018

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Trump is serious, be careful- היזהרו, טראמפ רציני


היזהרו, טראמפ רציני




Trump is Serious, be careful!

Atty Elyakim HaEtzni, former MK

Translated from the Hebrew by Sally Zahav for the Sovereignty Movement


To the last of the writers and politicians, to the last of the comedians, they all permit themselves to denigrate President Trump. Their hatred and ideological bent prevent them from seeing the "method of his madness" (Shakespeare, Hamlet). The latest example – the signing of a new trade deal with Mexico where the U.S. stops being a "patsy". Just as Trump promised he would do. And his declared plan to stop the catastrophic nuclear agreement with Iran, he implements one step after another. And what did Shakespeare say? Methodically! And if the execution requires open animosity with the liberal-leftist European Union, which has become used to leading the Americans by the nose toward objectives that contradict American interests, Trump is not deterred by this either. He simultaneously manages a trade war with China, and doesn't allow China a free hand to engage in acts at the expense of America, exactly as he said he would do. And he is especially trying to end the "cold war" with Putin's Russia without getting into a real conflict, in Ukraine as well and also in Syria. This was his approach from day one, and he has stuck to it. His detractors have even adopted some of his tricks. How they ridiculed his tweets – These days, which politician does not tweet? And from the day that he threw out the expression "fake news", who has not used it?

Underneath the boisterous mask, which sometimes is even vulgar, the man is actually serious and works diligently on his plans. Ironically, this is what worries me. I am afraid that since he publicly announced that he would exact from us a painful price in favor of the Palestinians for every punishment that he gives them now (and he does punish them) – we will discover that our joy was premature.

What is Trump planning for us? We may draw the outline according to his guidelines, to understand the real situation, meaning – as a merchant would see it, rather than as religious or nationalist fanatics would see it. According to this view, Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a reality and all the rest – romantic issues that do not apply to him. But even about Jerusalem, Trump and his people continue to emphasize that they have not recognized any specific borders of Jerusalem, meaning which sections will not be part of the capital of Israel. They are leaving this for "negotiations between the two sides", meaning, also to good old Uncle Sam's lobbying and pressure. Do you want proof?

Would Netanyahu freeze Jerusalem if Trump demanded for him to do so, in order to keep open the option of a Palestinian state?

The same goes for the question of the "refugees" and UNRWA. The demand for the "right of return" has no basis in reality, but since it is considered sacrosanct by the Arabs, it ruins every realistic option. This is why Trump swept the unrealistic data regarding the number of "refugees" off the table, together with UNRWA, which is perpetuating the conflict. Now that the table is clear of "dreams", Trump will come to a conclusion, and Nikki Haley, a true friend, has already warned us that we will not be eating honey either.

In one of his early speeches, Trump said that he personally has no opinion on the vision of two states – he leaves that to the two sides. But meanwhile, the specter of two states has returned in a different fashion – once as a joke, that one ay the name of the prime minister of Israel might be Mohammed, other times as leaks from the "Steering Committee" (Kushner, Greenblatt and Friedman), and lately, Abu-Mazen said in a meeting with "Peace Now" - "I met met Trump four times. He said that he was for the two-state vision..." We must not conclude that he was lying, nor was there any denial from the White House.

The plan for two states is consistent only with the idea of building on real data. According to the data that was leaked, the Steering Committee found that the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria is situated on about 5% of the area and all the rest – is Palestinian presence. According to those leaks, Netanyahu is demanding 10 percent for the deployment of Jewish settlement, and we have not heard any other objection from him to the idea of tearing the heart of our homeland and lending his own hand to its physical and legal transfer to foreign possession. Anyway, it is not likely that Trump did not tell Netanyahu even once what he said to Abu Mazen four times. And when he did say it, how did Netanyahu respond? What could he have told him, since he himself has not publicly changed his position since the Bar Ilan speech – to this very day!

And even worse: the dictate of March 2017 regarding the "restraining" of settlement construction adopted by the cabinet not only drastically reduced construction in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, it also outlined the situation upon which Trump plans to build a Palestinian state: Netanyahu is strictly preventing existing communities to expand and the establishment/normalization of new outposts, and at the same time does not lift a finger to stop the broad-based Arab development and construction work in Area C, the goal of which is to block Jewish settlement within the fences of those areas.

Netanyahu's acquiescence (or perhaps this is consistent with his own plans?) will be a cause for grief over generations, since the damage is not only material, it becomes normative: if the most sympathetic America administration toward Israel that has ever existed is willing to shackle Jewish settlement, what can we expect from the Democrats?

In the past, the Likud accused Peres that he would divide Jerusalem. Today, the head of Likud by his deeds, and the rest of the leadership by their silence – are dividing the Land and Jerusalem as well!

Today, Limor Livnat confesses that she supported the "disengagement", an outrage for which we pay dearly every day. Tomorrow, G-d forbid, people like Elkin, Levin, Kish, Ohana, Hotobeli and many other good people will have bitter regrets for these days when they did nothing, despite that the little that is required from them at this time is a simple declaration to the president of the U.S. that the 2-state "solution" is unacceptable to them, and he did promise that ultimately only the two sides would decide; and an appeal to our friends in Congress and not least in importance – opening the eyes of the millions of evangelists, true friends who are the basis of Trump's strength. They are not aware of all of this. And if, one day, Trump throws Israel under the bus, they will rightly ask: why didn't you tell us?


Elyakim Haetzni