יום רביעי, 28 בספטמבר 2016

[nashimbyarok-WIG] The Oz veGaon brochure! חוברת עוז וגאו"ן!



בס"ד                                                                                                                 תשרי תשע"ז

תורמים ושותפים בעוז וגאו"ן

חברים יקרים,


ב"ה זוכים אנו להיאחזות זו השנה השלישית בעוז וגאו"ן.


אנו מתרגשים מאד להגיש לכם (ראו מצורף) את חוברת הפעילויות שיתחילו בעוז וגאו"ן בע"ה מיד לאחר החגים:

הרצאות ימי שישי , תוכנית בית המדרש החדש , הרצאות לקראת חגים של הרב דב זינגר ורחלי פרנקל, מרכז ההדרכה לסדנאות.


פתיחת בית מדרש לנשים בימי שלישי באה כדי לקיים את הכלל "מעלין בקודש".


כמו שעד היום תרומותיכם מאפשרים את הפיתוח הפיזי של המקום (שמירה, תחזוקה, פעילויות  לנוער ולמבוגרים, הרצאות),

אנו זקוקים עכשיו גם לשותפותכם הברוכה לפיתוח הרוחני.


ניתן להקדיש שיעורים לעילוי נשמת יקירים

1.      360 ₪ לשיעור  * 1000 ₪ ליום לימוד  * 14,000 ₪ לסמסטר

2.      שמות היקרים עם מספר מילים על חייהם יוצג על לוח מיוחד וכן בהקלטות של השיעור


בזכות כל תרומה ותרומה שלכם עוז וגאו"ן ימשיך בע"ה להיות מרכז תיירותי, תרבותי וחינוכי, שוקק חיים יהודיים ערכיים. תודה!


המחאות ל"נשים בירוק" (לקבלת פטור ממס נא לכתוב את ההמחאה עבור "אנחנו על המפה" ) ולשלוח ל ת.ד. 7352, ירושלים 90172 –

אם ברצונכם לתרום בהעברה בנקאית, שלחו לנו מייל ונשלח לכם פרטים. תודה!


הזמינו את החוברת אליכם הביתה! שלחו לנו באימייל את השם והכתובת המלאה שלכם ונשמח לשלוח לכם את החוברת.


בברכת שנה טובה


יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר



טקסט להנצחת יקירים






Contributors and Partners to Oz veGaon


Dear Friends,


Thank G-d, this is the third year that we are privileged to have a holding in the Land at Oz veGaon.


We are very excited to present to you (see attached) our brochure with the upcoming activities in Oz veGaon starting immediately after the chagim: the weekly Friday lectures, the schedule of our new Tuesday Beit Midrash and the pre-chagim lectures by rabbi Dov Singer and Racheli Fraenkel. Text in English is on pages 10-14.


The opening of the Beit Midrash for women is in keeping with the principle of "ascending in holiness".


Just as, until today, your contributions are what make possible the physical development of the preserve  (its guarding, its maintenance, the activities for youth and adults, the soldiers' tent and corner, the Friday lectures, the playgrounds, benches and picnic tables), we now, in addition, also need your blessed participation in its spiritual development.


You can dedicate lessons in the new Beit Midrash in honor or in the memory of loved ones

* $100 for one lesson - * $300  for a full day of study -* $3,600  for a semester


·The name of your dear one, along with some words about his or her life will be presented on a special panel as well as in the recording of the lesson.


Each and every donation of yours is what makes it possible for  Oz veGaon to continue to be an active center of tourism, education and culture, teeming with Jewish life. THANK YOU!


For safe online US tax deductible donations to Oz veGaon please click on: https://www.razoo.com/us/story/Oz-Vegaon

For safe online Canadian tax deductible donations please click here: http://www.neemanfoundation.com/projects/women-in-green/


For Check Donations:

Please make you checks out to Women in Green, P.O. Box 7352, Jerusalem, 90172 Israel

For Israeli Tax deductible donations- please make out your check to אנחנו על המפה


For US tax deductible donations please make out your check to

Central Fund for Israel, earmarked Women in Green

and send it to us in Israel or to Central Fund for Israel, 980 sixth ave,3rd floor,New York, NY 10018,USA


For Canadian Tax deductible donations  please make out your check to:

"Neeman Foundation Canada" and send it to us in Israel or to 75 Lisa Crescent , Thornhill ON L4J 2N2, Canada

Make sure to include a note that your gift is for Women in Green/Oz veGaon


If you prefer to make a bank transfer please email us and we will send you all the details.


Text in dedication to:





Order the Oz veGaon brochure! Email us your full name and snail mail address and we will send it to your house.


Shana Tova!


Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar





יום שבת, 24 בספטמבר 2016

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Rosh Hashana davening at Oz veGaon -תפילות ראש השנה בעוז וגאו"ן פרטים-

English follows Hebrew


בס"ד                                                                     אלול תשע"ו


תפילות ראש השנה בעוז וגאו"ן


ב"ה זוכים אנו שנה שלישית לקיים תפילות ראש השנה ותקיעת שופר בלב היער, בעוז וגאו"ן.  אנא הצטרפו אלינו לתפילה מרגשת זו.


יום א' דראש השנה – תחילת התפילה ב7:45



ד"ר מייק באום מאפרת (שחרית)

הרב מור ברגמן מאלון שבות (מוסף)

קריאת התורה ותקיעת שופר: ד"ר מייק באום


יום ב' דראש השנה – תחילת תפילה ב7:45

מאורגן ע"י ידידנו מאלעזר ד"ר וילשנסקי ורוני לוטנר



רוני לוטנר (פסוקי דזמרא)

אבי ברנשטיין (שחרית)

דוד ליטקה (מוסף) מאלעזר

קריאת התורה: אשר הריסון

בעל תוקע: ג'ף גלזר



הליכה ביחד:מאפרת דרך מגדל עוז: יציאה מהבוטקה בשער הדרומי ב7:10

ממגדל עוז שער דרום: ב7:25  - מאלון שבות: יציאה מהשער החדש ב7:25-

מאלעזר (ביום ב' ): מהשער בשעה 7:00


אנא הודיעו לנו בסמס או באימייל אם בכוונתכם להגיע, באיזה יום וכמה תהיו כדי שנוכל להיערך. קידוש יוגש בשני הימים.


בברכת שנה טוב! יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר ומשפ' עוז וגאו"ן



Rosh Hashana davening at Oz veGaon


Thank G-d this year will be the third year that we will be holding Rosh Hashana prayers and shofar blowing in the forest of Oz veGaon. Join us for this meaningful davening.


First day of Rosh Hashana – davening starts at 7:45 am



Dr Mike Baum from Efrat (shacharit)

 Rav Mor Bergman from Alon Shvut (Mussaf)


Second day of Rosh Hashana- davening starts at 7:45 am

organized by our friends from Elazar Dr Wilshansky and Roni Lotner

Chazanim:        Roni Lottner (Psukei Dezimra)

                            Avi Bornshtein (Shacharit)

                           David Litke (Mussaf)

Shofar:              Jeff Glazer

Torah reading: Asher Harrisson


Walking to Oz veGaon together:

·       From Efrat through Migdal Oz: leaving the southern exit of Efrat near the shomer at 7:00am

·       From Migdal Oz: southern gate: 7:15am

·       From Alon Shvut: from new gate at 7:10

·       From Elazar (on 2nd day) from main gate at 7:00 am


Please forward this info to all your friends, especially those who live in Efrat and Gush Etsion.


Please email or sms us to tell us whether you are coming and how many you will be so we can prepare properly.


Kidush will be served on both days.


Shana Tova,

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar





יום חמישי, 22 בספטמבר 2016

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Oz veGaon Mark Your Calendar! עוז וגאו”ן רשמו ביומן

English follows Hebrew text

אלול וחידושים בעוז וגאו"ן- רשמו ביומן!

חברים יקרים

·        אלול שוקק חיים בעוז וגאו"ן- אין כמו הטבע והיער לפתוח את הנשמה ולהיכנס לאווירת אלול. המלך לא רק בשדה, הוא גם בין ענפי היער ששוקם לזכרם של גיל-עד,אייל ונפתלי הי"ד. קבוצות קבוצות של בני נוער מגיעים בימים אלה כמעט מדי יום ללימוד, תפילה ולעבודת אדמה.

-         אולפנת אבן שמואל על 420 בנותיה הרימו את היער בשירתן הנלהבת

-         140 תלמידי בר מצוה מבית-אל צעדו אל בגרותם בשבילי עוז וגאו"ן

-         קציני גדוד קרן של תותחנים ארכבו בגוש עציון על אופנועיהם עד ליער שם אכלו ושמעו הרצאה

-         ראשי מוסדות חינוך של בני עקייבא קיימו יום עיון בשמורה

כולם יצאו טעונים בכוחות חלוציים לשנה החדשה הבאה עלינו לטובה


·        בימים הקרובים נשלח לכם בע"ה את התוכנית המלאה להרצאות המרתקות בימי שישי בעוז וגאו"ן שיתחילו בע"ה ביום שישי כ"ו תשרי 28/10.  תוכלו גם לקרא בחוברת על מרכז ההדרכה של אלישיב קמחי המציע לציבור מגוון סדנאות ערכיות.

*   פרטים אודות תפילות בראש השנה בשמורה יפורסמו גן כן בקרוב

·        בינתיים ברצוננו לספר לכם על דבר חדש בעוז וגאו"ן – את החוברת עם כל הפרטים נשלח לכם בע"ה בקרוב:


בית מדרש "חברותא" לנשים בעוז וגאו"ן

יחד נלמד את הנ"ך בימי שלישי!


הלב הומה לחדש ללא הרף, לחדש באופן זולף ושוטף, מפני שכך הוא הטבע של הנשמה שתהיה שוטפת כנחל

(הראי"ה קוק)

קול תורה אנו רוצות שיישמע בעוז וגאו"ן!

קול תורה המתחבר לנשמה, לארץ ישראל, לעם ישראל

קול תורה שמדבר אל כולם,

קול תורה בסולמות שונים שעולה בהרמוניה חזקה השמימה.


הרעיון מקונן מאז שעלינו לעוז וגאו"ן. את בית המדרש הראשון פתח הרב ברוך אפרתי בקיץ הראשון. היה עמוס שיעורים.


בחורף הראשון היה קשה, קור עז, הפסקות חשמל, אבל החלום המשיך לקונן. בזכות מועצת גוש עציון טופל בהמשך נושא החשמל .

במשך כל התקופה מתקיימים שיעורים והרצאות של נשים בירוק בימי שישי  וכך גם בשנה הקרובה בע"ה. ההרצאות נוגעות באקטואליה והנה אנו לקראת חורף נוסף ובית המדרש החדש קורם אור ושיעורים.



בחרנו ללמוד נ"ך. רובנו הספקנו ללמוד תורה, בעיקר דרך פרשת השבוע, אך רבים מאתנו לא הספקנו ללמוד את ספרי הנ"ך.


המרצות והמרצים מקסימים, למדנים, בעלי ידע וניסיון ומגלמים את מגוון הזרמים הקיימים בציונות הדתית.


קחי לך בוקר שלישי של פסק זמן למילוי מצברים רוחניים וגם במעשה ציוני יהיה חלקך ע"י הגברת הנוכחות הכה חיונית בעוז וגאו"ן – בואו נתחיל 


הלימודים מיועדים לכל אישה.


בית המדרש יתקיים בע"ה בימי שלישי בבוקר משעה 9:00. כל שיעור 45 דקות.

רבע שעה הפסקה להתרעננות וכיבוד קל. 4 שיעורים.


הספרים שנלמד השנה הם: יהושע שופטים, שמואל, מלכים, ירמיהו, עמוס, הושע, איוב, משלי, תהילים, עזרא ונחמיה ומגילת אסתר.


 המרצים הם:

הרב דוד נתיב , הרב חיים דינוביץ , הרב מור ברגמן, הרב גרשון קיציס

רוני אקריש, פרופ' ישראל רוזנסון, נורית גאל דור,הרבנית עדינה פיירמן


מחיר לסמסטר 250 ₪ (14 מפגשים). מחיר ליום 25 ₪


ניתן להקדיש שיעורים לעילוי נשמת יקירים. צרו קשר לקבלת פרטים.


ובנוסף....לקראת החגים!

7 הרצאות לקהל הרחב בשעות הערב המוקדמות עם

הרב דב זינגר ורחלי פרנקל


ההרצאות יתקיימו בע"ה לפני חגים- בתאריכים

שלישי ז' חשון 8/11  - כ' כסלו 20/12,  ד' שבט 31/1,  ב' אדר 28/2, א' ניסן 28/3,

כ"ז אייר 23/5, י' תמוז 4/7


רשמו את התאריכים ביומן- פרטים מדויקים בקרוב.


יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר



Elul and Innovations at Oz veGaon – MARK YOUR CALENDAR!


Dear Friends


Elul is teeming with life at Oz veGaon – There is nothing like nature and the forest to open the soul and to get you into the mood of Elul. The King is not only in the field, He is also among the branches of the forest that was restored in memory of Gil-ad, Eyal and Naftali, Hy"d. Many groups of youths are coming during this period, almost every day, for learning, prayer and to work the ground. (See the attached photos)

This past week Oz veGaon has seen:

-          420 students from the Even Shmuel Ulpana lifted the forest with their spirited song

-          140 bar mitzvah students from Beit El marched toward maturity in the paths of Oz veGaon

-          Artillery officers of the Keren Battalion rode their bicycles to the forest where they ate and listened to a lecture

-          Heads of B'nei Akiva educational institutions held a one-day seminar at the preserve

-          About 100 yeshiva students from Beit Shemesh came to pray and hear a lecture

All left loaded with new strength for the approaching New Year


In the coming days, b"H, we will send you the full schedule of wonderful and uplifting Friday lectures at Oz veGaon, starting, b"H, on Friday, the 26th of Tishrei, October 28th.


Details about the Rosh Hashana davening in oz veGaon will be sent to you too within a day or two please G-d.


Meanwhile, we would like to tell you about something new and exciting at Oz veGaon – b"H, we will send you the brochure with all of the details soon: Tell family and friends:




The "Havruta" Beit Midrash for Women at Oz veGaon

Let's study נ"ך

the Prophets and the Writings together!

Our hearts yearn for continual renewal, for continual, perpetual renewal because this is the nature of the soul – it should flow like a river

(Rav A.I. Kook)

The sound of Torah – we want it to be heard in Oz veGaon!

The sound of Torah – connecting to the soul, to the Land of Israel, to the People of Israel

The sound of Torah – speaks to everyone,

The sound of Torah – in its varied keys, which ascends heavenward in strong harmony.


The idea began to take root ever since we first went up to Oz veGaon. The original beit midrash was begun by Rav Baruch Efrati during the first summer. It was brimming with lessons.


The first winter was difficult - it was bitter cold, but the dream continued to take root. Thanks to the Gush Etzion Council, the matter of electricity was dealt with afterward.

Lessons and lectures organized by Women in Green have been held on Fridays during the entire period and will continue this coming year too please G-d. They deal, for the most part, with current events; and now, with the approach of another winter, the addition of a beit midrash for women  is becoming a reality.

We have chosen to study the Prophets and Writings. While most of us have studied Torah, mainly through the weekly Torah portion, many of us have not yet studied the books of the Prophets and the Writings.

The lecturers are delightful; they are scholars with much knowledge and experience, reflecting the diversity of the various streams that exist within religious Zionism.

Take a Tuesday morning break for yourself - fill your spiritual batteries and take part in a Zionist act by augmenting the vital Jewish presence at Oz veGaon – Let's get started!

The lessons are suitable for all women and will be in Hebrew.

The beit midrash will be held on Tuesday mornings at 9:00. Each session will be 45 minutes. There will be a fifteen-minute break for light refreshments. Four sessions.

Price: for one semester (14 mornings): 250 nis. For one morning: 25nis

The books that we will learn this year are: Joshua, Judges, Shmuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Amos, Hosea, Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ezra and Nehemiah and the Scroll of Esther.

  The lecturers are:

Rav David Nativ, Rav Haim Dynowisz,Rav Mor Bergman,

Rav Gershon Kitzes, Roni Akrish,Prof. Yisrael Rosenson

Nurit Gael-dor,Rabbanit Adina Feirman

Shiurim can be dedicated in memory or in honor of loved ones. Contact us for details.


IN ADDITION: For the Holidays!

7 early evening Lectures for the general public with

Rav Dov Zinger and Raheli Frenkel

The lectures will be held, b"H, on the following dates, on the eve of chagim:

Tuesday, November 8th

Tuesday,  December 20th

Tuesday, January 31st

Tuesday, February 28th

Tuesday, March 28th

Tuesday, May 23rd

Tuesday, July 4th

 Details will be sent to you soon.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
















יום שבת, 10 בספטמבר 2016

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Let's pull the wagon out of the mud - כך ניתן לסגת מנאום בר-אילן

English follows Hebrew

מצורף בזה לינק למאמר של אריאל כהנא במקור ראשון לפני שבוע



ציטוטים מתוך המאמר:


נסיבות היסטוריות נדירות מגלגלות בפני הציבור הלאומי בישראל הזדמנות בלתי חוזרת לסגת מנאום בר־אילן.

על הימין להתעורר מהקיפאון ולהציע תוכנית מוסכמת שנתניהו לא יוכל להתעלם ממנה


במה מדובר? ובכן, כבר כמה חודשים שבמרחק פסיעה נפתחת הזדמנות לקדם באופן ממשי את ריבונות ישראל בשטחים שמעבר לקו הירוק, וגם לקבור קבורת חמור את רעיון העוועים של מדינה פלסטינית בארץ ישראל. לא ביום אחד יתרחש תהליך כזה אלא במסע בן אלף מילין, אך הימים האלה הם המועד להתחיל אותו.


בשורה התחתונה, לפנינו צבר בינלאומי של סיבות ונסיבות שלא היה כמותו מאז הסכמי אוסלו. תזת המדינה הפלסטינית תקועה עמוק בחול, ובמקומה נפער ואקום. השאלה הפתוחה היחידה היא מי ומה ימלא אותו. זהו האתגר העיקרי, החשוב, הדחוף והנדיר שמונח לפנינו, והוא בוער יותר מאלף ואחד ענייני יום־יום.


דור המייסדים (שלֵחו לא נס) של ההתיישבות ביש"ע עשה מעשה כביר כשמנע בגופו הקמת מדינה פלסטינית. אילולא ההתנחלויות, סיכוי גבוה שתותחי דאעש היו יורים עלינו היום מרמאללה ומקלקיליה. אבל בנסיבות הבינלאומיות שנוצרו, ההתנחלות בשטח לא מספיקה. כדי שהיא תשיג את יעדיה נתבעת השלמה באמצעות מעשה מדיני, כי הוא ורק הוא הקובע.


ממש כמו שהיישוב היהודי בארץ ישראל הפך לעובדת קבע רק כאשר התקבלה ההחלטה על הקמת המדינה, כך סכנת הנסיגה מיו"ש תוסר מן הפרק רק כאשר יושלם מעשה מדיני המעגן את נוכחותנו באזור. וכדי שמעשה כזה יתרחש, מישהו צריך לפעול למענו. בדיוק כפי שהקמת המדינה הייתה תוצאה של מאמץ מדיני כביר מצד היישוב העברי והעולם היהודי, כך ריבונות ישראלית ביו"ש תתקבע רק כתוצאה מחתירה מדינית, עקבית, נחושה ומקצועית להשגתו. בהתיישבות לבדה אין די.


בין אם זו "מדינה אחת", בין אם סיפוח שטח C פלוס אוטונומיה ובין אם "מדינה פלסטינית בירדן", חייבת להיות נכונות להתאחד סביב תוכנית אחת.


לכתבה במלואה: http://www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART2/821/795.html



והתרגום לאנגלית:



Let's pull the wagon out of the mud

Ariel Kahana

The following article appeared in Hebrew in the Makor Rishon newspaper on September 2nd 2016. Translated by Sally Zahav for Women in Green

Link to Hebrew article http://www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART2/821/795.html

Rare historical circumstances are presenting the Israeli nationalist public with a unique opportunity to turn away from the Bar Ilan speech. The Right must wake up from its stagnation and offer an accepted and unified plan that Netanyahu will not be able to ignore

Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik's deeply penetrating words are impossible to forget. When he describes the historic mistake of religious Judaism, which had turned its back on Zionism, thus extending its neck for slaughter by the Nazis, he refers to a climactic moment in the scroll of Song of Songs. The beloved, meaning the People of Israel, hears the lover's knocking and his pleas, but despite her love for him she does not open the door. "What is the essence of the Song of Songs", writes Rav Soloveitchik in his article entitled 'The sound of my lover knocking', "if it is not missing out on a great, sublime moment of extreme urgency, which she had dreamed of and fought for, which she had sought and desired with her burning soul?… (but) apathy, borne of a strange perverseness, seized her". The right conclusion to draw is that we have a supreme obligation to listen to the fluttering of history's wings and to take advantage of opportunities that supreme Providence makes available. "Do we not pay attention to our anxieties for security and the peace of the Land of Israel in our days, the knocking of the lover begging his beloved to allow him to enter? It is incumbent upon us, the faithful Jews,  to listen even more attentively to the sound of our lover rapping and to answer him immediately with great and practical efforts", said Rabbi Soloveitchik, 15 years after the establishment of the State of Israel.

Even these days the lover is rapping, begging, and placing before us a "world-changing opportunity, which we have dreamed about and fought for". And indeed, even these days, "apathy borne of a strange perverseness" seizes the People living in Zion, who, held back by an inexplicable stagnation, does not take up the glove. An inexplicable reticence closes its mouth. A one-time, historic opportunity, which perhaps will never recur, is placed before us, but instead of pouncing on it we hold back.

What is this all about? And indeed, it has already been several months that an opportunity has been opened to promote Israeli sovereignty in the territories over the Green Line in a practical way, and to bury the delusive idea of a Palestinian state within the Land of Israel in its grave of disgrace. Such a step will not happen in one day, but in a journey of a thousand miles. But now is the time to begin it.

Here are the main points on paper, and it is only necessary to connect them with lines: The Republican candidate for presidency of the United States has established a campaign headquarters in Samaria. He supports the building of communities, and his party has removed the issue of a Palestinian state from the platform. There is no need to expand on Donald Trump's stance on Islam and terror, which he makes very clear. So if he is elected, and there is still a chance for this, the Israeli Right could not ask for more. We must only seize the opportunity, in other words, to present an alternative policy to the trap in which Israel has been ensnared since the Oslo Accords. Trump, who is surrounded by Orthodox Jewish, rightist Republicans, will be ready to listen. We must only know what we want to tell him. Even if he loses, his party's shift is wonderful news by itself.

Even if Hillary is elected, there are good reasons to assume that she will not rush into beginning talks for a final settlement. After all, she has seen up close two American presidents - her husband Bill and Obama – crash on the Palestinian matter. It would be especially foolish for her to repeat their mistakes, and this message should already be pushed. It is not by chance that Clinton has distanced herself as Secretary of State from dealing with the Palestinian issue. In short, it will be possible to deal with her as well. We must only have the courage to begin the process.

The background of the new page that the new resident of the White House will open on the 20th of January will include an unprecedented international situation regarding Israel in many aspects. Firstly, the chaos in the Arab world and the spilling over of terror into Europe must bring up the question that Henry Kissinger has already mentioned, which is 'what point is there is establishing another failed stated in the Middle East?'.

This is all happening while George Mitchell's and John Kerry's two failed attempts to arrive at a settlement during Obama's time are burned into the international community's memory. Because of this as well as his advanced age, Mahmoud Abbas is considered history, someone who is no longer relevant. The reason for this is that the Palestinian matter is becoming less and less important on the international agenda, while Israel is strengthening and rising and even becoming an exemplary state.  The entire world, without exaggeration, including Europe, seeks to learn from her how to fight terror.

These circumstances are what led Obama, Merkel, Netanyahu and Buji Herzog – each in his own words – to say that the time is not right "to proceed with a great step" in the Palestinian sphere, meaning, to establish a Palestinian state. And if this is not enough, there is the rapprochement between the Arab states and Israel, which, as was bemoaned this week in the New York Times, "might restrain a strengthening of connections between them and thus allow injustices against the Palestinians – a source of regional tension for decades – to continue and exacerbate the wound". That is to say, even in the Arab countries the Palestinians are no longer relevant. The countries of Africa, which were once a reliable backing for them, are becoming closer to Israel. The countries of Eastern Europe, which had lost interest in them for some time, even more so, and on the contrary, they want, just as we do, to remain nationalist states and not "states of all its citizens".

The bottom line is that we are presented with an international collection of reasons and circumstances that have not existed since the Oslo Accords. The thesis of the Palestinian state is stuck deeply in the sand, and in its place there is a vacuum. The only open question is who and what will fill it. This is the most important, urgent and tremendous challenge that confronts us and it is more urgent than a thousand and one day-to-day, routine matters.

Shimon Peres' resounding question from the nineties, "So what is the alternative (to Oslo)?" calls out to the Right from every loudspeaker. And this time it must take history by the horns and answer, because who knows if and when it may happen again.

Overall, we must remember that the Right's silence on policy has been its undoing. The failure of the London Agreement in the eighties, problematic on its own, resulted in the Oslo Accords. Sharon's awkward attempt to escape the Oslo Accords resulted in the Expulsion. Indeed, these three steps can only be blamed on short-sighted Israeli leaders, but who could guarantee that leaders such as these will not come to power tomorrow or the next day. Therefore, the nationalist camp must embrace with both hands the opportunity with which it is faced now, because who knows if and when anything better might arrive in the future.

How do we take advantage of this opportunity? By defining a clear, coherent end goal, which those who are faithful to the Land of Israel will take on themselves to work toward. I will immediately suggest a way to come to an agreed plan, but whether it is "one state" or the annexation of Area C plus autonomy or a "Palestinian state in Jordan", there must be a willingness to unite around one plan.

The ideological split among the Right has been working in favor of the left for decades. And we can break this dynamic only by raising an alternative banner that the Right, as a group, unites around. At the end of the day decisions are made on the policy level, not at the level of communities or at the political level. An entire area of communities was wiped off the face of the earth because the entire Rightist camp was not playing on the correct field. Thus, in order to have an influence on what is occurring in the field of policy, we must play according to its game, and we must do this in Israel and at least as much, abroad.

The generation of the founders (who are still vitally active) of the communities in Judea and Samaria achieved a great deed when it prevented, with its own body, the establishment of a Palestinian state. Were it not for these communities, there is a great probability that the guns of ISIS would have been shooting upon us today from Ramallah and Qalqilya. But within the international circumstances that have been created, those communities that already exist in the area are not enough. For the settlement enterprise to achieve its goal there must be a complementary act of policy, because that and only that, is what matters.

Just as the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel became a determined fact only when the decision was taken to establish a state, thus the danger of a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria will be averted only when there is a policy in place that anchors our presence in the area. And in order for such a thing to happen, someone must act for us. Just as the establishment of the state was the result of a great policy effort by the Hebrew residents of the Land and the greater Jewish world, thus Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria will be determined only as a result of a great, consistent, resolute and skilled effort in diplomacy to achieve it. Settlement alone is not enough.

Ideological Primaries

People tell me, "Leave something to the Almighty". And this is exactly what Rav Soloveitchik asks us not to do. "It is incumbent upon us, the faithful Jews, to listen even more attentively to the sound of our lover rapping and to answer him immediately with great and practical efforts". Changes in policy do not fall from heaven but result from the efforts of man. And one thing is sure; we all agree that we cannot count on miracles.

And it is not only miracles that we cannot depend on but also "the most Rightwing government throughout the history of Israel", as the fourth government Netanyahu is labeled. Anyone who thinks that this government, "our" government, will divert the ship into regions where the voters want to go, is wrong. Indeed, the Land of Israel Lobby began the Sovereignty project, and it is important. Lieberman's plan to strengthen alternatives to the Palestinian Authority is also a step in the right direction. But ultimately, the determining factor is the prime minister. I know that there are many who do not believe this is so, but Netanyahu is really sincerely interested in the establishment of a Palestinian state. He is not fooling the world and is not carrying out the scam of the millennium. He wants a Palestinian state. Indeed, in accordance with his conditions, but still, a Palestinian state.

So when Trump or Hillary call him on the 21st of January and ask "Mister Prime Minister, what's your plan?" Netanyahu will answer them in a similar way to the Bar Ilan speech. The only possibility that he will give some other answer is if the voting base issues such a demand. And as of today, there is no such intention. Not the Likud, not Habayit Hayehudi, not Tekuma and not even the Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza are clamoring for this, as an ultimatum, to take advantage of the window of opportunity to retract the Bar Ilan speech. In tacit agreement, all have long since fallen in line with the idea of a Palestinian state, depending on the Arabs to torpedo it, and do not consolidate around a different alternative.

The prime minister told once of "a wise man" who told him that there are two groups among the Jewish People who can be maneuvered and manipulated like Plasteline Play dough. One is the Jewish liberals on the other side of the sea, who automatically adopt all of the blame aimed toward the Jews and are quick to beat their breasts. The other group, the man told Netanyahu, is the settlers. Netanyahu claimed (why not) that Bennett is the one who is fooling the settlers. On hearing this story, I was reminded of a joke by Uri Orbach, obm. "Why does Netanyahu always wear a black yarmulke when he does wear a yarmulke? Because the knitted one is in his pocket".

Whichever way, if this is what bothers the politicians the real question is how we present an agreed-upon alternative. It seems to me that in these days of Facebook the answer is ideological online primaries. Of course, it would not be official or binding, but since the leadership is not capable of consolidating a joint position, there is no choice but to turn to the public and ask their opinion. What we need is for the Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to lead such a poll, but Habayit Hayehudi could also take up the challenge. It is also possible for any person who has the means and organizational ability to carry it out.

In this unofficial referendum, three or four ideological alternatives will be presented to the general public, which will be chosen by a committee of constituents. In order to lend the poll public validity and political weight, public relations campaigns will be carried out, as usual. The voters, who will exercise their right to vote in an Internet application, will come from all levels of society.

The result will determine the public's opinion, so that the civic and political leadership will not be able to ignore it. Just as the leaders of Britain are carrying out the Brexit contrary to their own opinion because this was the will of the people, members of the "most rightwing government in Israel's history" and the non-governmental organizations that support it will have to adjust to the will of the voters. This is the only way to pull the wagon out of the mud and begin to push it toward the goal that the sane camp is working for: the elimination of a Palestinian state, maximizing Israeli sovereignty and interests in the field, and compliance with a reasonable standard of the protection of human rights.

No doubt, the process is not easy, but if we want to control our own fate, we have no choice. We see that our governments, especially those of the Likud, lack the ability to express their beliefs in any act of policy.

Therefore, just as Menahem Begin spoke of "many more (communities like) Elon Moreh" but left the settlement of the Land to Gush Emunim, so it is now, that the new settlers must drive the policy and pull the political class along after them. Because we have had enough. It is time to stop playing the Plasteline play dough game.





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