יום שישי, 2 באוגוסט 2024

[Ribonut-nashimbyarok-WIG] Building the future בונים את העתיד

English follows Hebrew

*סמינריון נוער ריבונות קיץ תשפ"ד*

אחרי ועידת הנוער לפני חודש, נתכנס בע"ה בשבוע הבא לסמינריון מעמיק וחווייתי בו נפגוש לאורך יומיים מרצים מעולים שיחברו אותנו לזהות ולריבונות. 

מספר הנרשמים מוגבל. מכיתה ט' ומעלה. פרטים בפלייר המצורף.

הפיצו בהקדם בקרב ילדים, נכדים, שכנים וחברים.

להרשמה נא לפנות לעוז: 058-4410808

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
תנועת הריבונות

Last night we participated in the large convention of the national camp organized by the Tekuma organization headed by Berele Cromby. The imressive event took place at the Expo in Tel Aviv with the participation of many organizations, public figures and ministers. More than 1000 people attended.

The evening focused on the vision of the national camp.

The panel we were invited to speak at discussed what needs to be done to correct the mistakes of the past and how do we think Israel will be in 2034.

We of course  represented the Sovereignty vision which got lots of applause from the crowd. For 2034 we predicted an optimistic future for Israel, as the nation state of the Jewish People, with Jewish sovereignty from the river to the sea, with an overwhelming Jewish majority and a tiny non Jewish minority loyal to the Jewish state.

One thing all speakers agreed on was that in order for this to materialize, Israel must invest non only in hi-tech, army etc... but in proper Jewish Zionist education. 

That is exactly what we do at the Sovereignty Movement. Educating our future leaders. 

A month after our Sovereignty Youth convention we will please G-d, this coming Wrdneday and Thursday,  have an in depth two-day sovereignty seminar of learning for a group of soveteignty youth.

A few places are still left. Urge your close ones to join ( from grade 9 and up)

To sponsor a sovereignty youth and/ or to continue strengthening our sovereignty activities, please click here:

Obviously, in case of security developments,the seminar might be postponed to another date. We will know the next few days.

Shabbat Shalom
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
The Sovereignty Movement

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