יום ראשון, 1 במרץ 2020

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Election Day! Mobilize! יום הבחירות! צו גיס!

English follows Hebrew

יום הבחירות! צו גיוס! בוחרים ומכריעים!

חברים יקרים,

אנו ניגשים היום  לבחירות בחיל ורעדה. כ"כ הרבה מונח על כף הבחירות האלה: ארץ ישראל, תורת ישראל, הזהות היהודית, המשך הדרך הציונית.

ביום שישי האחרון הרצה בפנינו מתכנן הערים אברהם שבות וקבע חד-משמעית שמפת תוכנית טראמפ יותר גרועה ממפת אוסלו. בהרצאתו הראה לנו אברהם איך כן אפשר להחיל ריבונות. את הסיכום של ההרצאה ולינק להרצאה אפשר למצוא כאן: http://ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=397&lang=1

על מנת לוודא שריבונות כן תוחל על כל ארץ ישראל ושלא תוקם כאן מדינה פלשתינית עלינו לוודא שהימין ינצח בבחירות.

אף אחד לא אדיש, בכולם בוערת אש יוקדת. האחריות, המתח באוויר, צריך לתרגם את כל אלה למעשה פשוט – לצאת להצביע! להביא את כל המשפחה, השכנים, החברים כי הפעם מכריעים.

רוב העם ימני. בבחירות הקודמות נשארו 300,000 אנשי ימין בבית ולא יצאו להצביע. ביניהם, לא יאומן, גם 51,463 תושבי יהודה ושומרון. הפעם נעבוד עוד יותר קשה ונוודא שכולם יוצאים להצביע.


היום בשעה 16:00 אנו פותחים חמ"ל טלפונים בשמורת עוז וגאו"ן. אנו צריכים אתכם אתנו להתקשר לאנשים ולהוציא אותם לבחור. הצטרפו אלנו. כל שיחת טלפון משפיעה. הביאו פלאפונים ומטען.

מוגבלים בניידות ביום הבחירות? הקלפי שאתם רשומים בה אינה נגישה עבורכם? יש לכם מגבלה גופנית שמונעת מכם להגיע לקלפי המקורית שלכם? הפתרון: מצביעים בקלפי נגישה מיוחדת, וכזאת יש ב2200 מקומות בארץ. חשוב שתדעו: אתם רשאים להצביע בכל קלפי שנקבעה כ"קלפי נגישה מיוחדת"! לידיעתכם, לא צריך להציג תעודת נכה ואסור להם לשאול על המגבלה הגופנית.
רוצים לדעת איפה יש קלפי נגישה ליד הבית שלכם? המפה ממש כאן>>  bit.ly/2Hyn2u2


לאחר שהצבעתם- בואו לעוז וגאו"ן עם הילדים והנכדים!

·       משעה 11:00 הבוקר- יתקיימו בע"ה פעילויות לילדים קטנים במשחקיה הציונית  ליד הספריה. בלונים, לגו, פוזלים, הכנת משלוחי מנות ועוד. נכנסים רק אחרי שההורים הצביעו!


 יחד כל עם ישראל נעבוד למען ארץ ישראל ונהנה מאווירה ארץ ישראלית. מוזמנים כולם. הכניסה חופשית.


נעבוד קשה היום ויהי רצון שבע"ה נשמע בשורות טובות,

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר

0507161818  0505500834

תנועת הריבונות





Election Day! Time to Mobilize! Let's Vote and Win!

Dear Friends,

Today,Monday, we approach this election with trepidation.

So much is at stake in these elections: The Land of Israel, the Torah of Israel, Jewish identity, continuing on the Zionist path.

Urban planner and geographer Avraham Shvut spoke to us on Friday and in a fascinating and worrisome lecture explained to us that the Trump map is worse than the Oslo map. You can click here and read more about his lecture, his warnings and how he thinks Sovereignty does need to be applied http://ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=397&lang=2

In order to focus on Sovereignty on all of Eretz Yisrael and on the prevention of the creation of a Palestinian State we need to make sure that the Right wins.

No one is indifferent, we are all burning with Zionist passion, the responsibility, the tension in the air, we must translate all of this today into a simple act – get out and vote! Bring the entire family, neighbors and friends because this time we must win.

The majority of the People are rightwing. In the past elections 300,000 rightwingers did not go out to vote. Among them, believe it or not, 51,463 residents of Judea and Samaria! This time we will all work hard to make sure to get each and one out to vote.


We are opening telephone headquarters today in Oz veGaon starting at 4:00pm. Join us and volunteer to make phonecalls to those who haven't voted yet urging them to go vote. . Each call makes a difference.

If you can't come to vote where you are registered because you are limited in your ability to move? Go to a "kalfi negisha" in your neighborhood.  (a special polling booth). There  are such 2200 polling booths around the country . For a list of all the Kalfi negisha in the country and the details of who is eligible to vote there: please click on:  bit.ly/2Hyn2u2



And after you vote – come to Oz veGaon with the kids and grandkids!

·         From 11:00 a.m. there will be activities for small children at the Zionist playground near the library. Balloons, Legos, puzzles, preparing mishloah manot and more. Everyone is invited. Admission is free.But come only after the parents have voted!


Together, the entire People of Israel will work for the Land of Israel and enjoy the Land of Israel atmosphere.

Here below is Rav Yaakov Medan's article on today's election. Rav Medan is Rosh Yeshiva of the Har Etsion yeshiva in Gush Etsion.


May we all work hard today and please G-d hear good news tonight,


Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

The Sovereignty Movement


Three Remarks on the Elections

Yaacov Medan

originally written in Hebrew Makor Rishon February 28th 2020



1.    Twenty-eight years ago, the left-wing political upset occurred, that dethroned the Yitzchak Shamir government, and set up in its place a government headed by Yitzchak Rabin. This happened despite a majority of voters for the Right. The Tchiya party and the party of Rav Levinger did not pass the electoral threshold (which was relatively low) thereby allowing the Left to set up a government and sign the Oslo accords, enabled by the non-Zionist Arab parties.


 For a brief while, we thought on that sad night, when the results became known, that Rabin, as a former Chief-of-Staff and a security expert, would understand very well the security needs of the state, even if he held a different ideology. Very quickly we found out, that Yossi Beilin, who was very far from being security minded, was running the process. The Oslo accords in all of their details, were placed on Rabin's desk almost against his will. But Rabin was recruited and fostered this policy in Israeli public life despite its illogic and despite the many terror victims, who piled up from the start of negotiations and even before the agreement was signed.


I have no interest in discussing Gantz, despite the affair of the Fifth Dimension company. The man leaves an impression of someone not very strong and without any firm ideology. This may have advantages. Yet behind him there is a man who is very determined and clever, a good politician, who knows very well where he wants to go. I am afraid that Rabin's Beilin will be in Gantz's case – Ofer Shelach, a clear-cut man of the Left, whose love of Torah or of the Land are questionable. Avi Nissenkorn, as well, is a politician whose path is clear to him, in the economic sphere.


These two have many sympathizers in the Blue and White party, even if those regularly presented to our eyes in the "window" are Yoaz Hendel, Tzvi Hauser, Chili Tropper and Elazar Stern. Their ability to influence matters will be like that of Motta Gur in Rabin's government: weak to non-existent. Shelach and his friends are stronger than they. The Arabs in Judea and Samaria have proven in the last generation that they understand very well Netanyahu's language. Terror attacks were few, and their shockwaves subsided rapidly. There is a strong chance that they also understand the language of Shelach and his friends, and the results we will feel in the flesh, as we did in those days.


2.    I don't think I'll be able to convince Blue and White voters. They are "locked-in" on the need to push out Netanyahu, and won't listen to other arguments. The entire Left is mobilized to bring down Netanyahu, and the Right is tired, indifferent and ready for any candidate for Prime Minister who will save them from another round of elections. I see the tired Right in the communities of Judea and Samaria and in other places. They will fall victim to Oslo III or worse.

In these lines I want to convince the tired Right to strengthen their finger on Election day [to vote] and perhaps even to gird their loins as volunteers before and during Election day. If each one of us calls five people – such as a neighbor, a relative, a friend from synagogue, and a friend from work – and urges them to vote, we'll gain another seat. This can be critical. I remember how our volunteering without limits contributed 24 years ago to changing an election result by a margin of just a few votes. That's when Netanyahu was 'born' as Prime Minister.


3.    In the present right, religious Zionism is struggling for its place among thousands of members of its former institutions, who are running after the Likud. We will briefly mention three points. First, Netanyahu is a good prime minister when it comes to foreign policy, security and the economy. Corporate affairs and domestic needs are of no interest to him, and he willingly hands them to his coalition partners. If the ultra-Orthodox will receive these ministries, religious Zionism will have to settle for crumbs, and so will society in Israel look. It is our responsibility and in our hands.


Secondly, without  a strong religious Zionism, non-ultra-Orthodox Israeli society may be left with no connection to Torah. It may be left with a Jewish democratic state whose Judaism will be pale and powerless, unable to cope with the pressures of the general culture. It could cause the Judaism that we inherit for our sons to be devoid of any attraction.


Third, the rift and intolerance between liberal religious Zionism and Torani religious Zionism may lead us to a situation in which there will be no political representation of religious Zionism, neither the Torani nor its liberal sister. The existing alliance today and the ability to work together in harmony, after hard and bitter struggles, between Naftali Bennett and his friends and Bezalel Smotritz and his friends, are not self-evident, and can be called a real miracle.

Let us not forget that the two religious Zionist factions still pray in one synagogue and serve together in the IDF's field units.


The differences are great, but you can combine it hand in hand. On election day , let us not allow the miracle to slip away by indifference or by voting for parties with other agendas.


אין תגובות:

הוסף רשומת תגובה