יום רביעי, 30 בספטמבר 2020

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Oz veGaon on ZOOM! פעילות עוז וגאו"ן בזום!


English follows Hebrew

נרשמים להרצאות ולבית מדרש עוז וגאו"ן- בזום!

חברים יקרים


בע"ה מיד אחרי חג סוכות אנו חוזרים לפעילות הרגילה של עוז וגאו"ן: הרצאות בימי ראשון בערב (פתוח לגברים ונשים) ובית מדרש לנשים בימי שלישי.

בשל המצב, כל ההרצאות והשיעורים יועברו בינתיים בזום.


את הסדנאות המעשיות: ציור, נגרות וצילום נצטרך לדחות למועד אחר כשנוכל לחזור ללמוד בספריה הציונית בשמורה.


הקישורים להרצאות ולשיעורים יועברו אך ורק למי שיירשם.


ההרשמה ל14 ההרצאות החודשיות (10 בעברית ו4 באנגלית) כרוכה בתרומה של 100 ₪ לכל השנה לכיסוי ההוצאות.

ההרשמה לבית המדרש כרוכה בתרומה של 600 ₪ לסמסטר (בכל סמסטר יש 15 ימי שלישי עם 4 שיעורים ליום) - (שיעור אחד= 150 ₪ לסמסטר).


ללוז של ההרצאות בימי ראשון ולשיעורים של בית המדרש בימי שלישי: https://womeningreen.org.il/schedule-of-classes-at-oz-vegaon/


לינק להרשמה ותרומה לבית מדרש או תרומה להרצאות (שימו לב לבחור את הקטגוריה הנכונה-יש 2 אופציות בכפתור):  https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/x0Dm


ניתן להירשם בטלפון- להרצאות בימי ראשון :  רנה מרגוליס 054-7103240

                               לשיעורים בבית מדרש בימי שלישי: שירה שרייר 054-7615402

 ניתו להרשם גם בהמחאה או בהעברה בנקאית


אנו מחכות כבר להיפגש אתכם (בינתיים בזום).

בע"ה תפילותינו יתקבלו והקב"ה ימנע מגפה בנחלתנו. שמרו על עצמכם ובני משפחותיכם.

חג שמח!

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר



Registering for the Oz veGaon lectures and shiurim- all on ZOOM!


Dear Friends,

Please G-d, right after Sukkot, we will begin our regular activities at Oz VeGaon:

Sunday evening lectures (open to men and women) and Beit Midrash for Women on Tuesday mornings.


Due to the current situation, all the lectures and classes will be given in the meantime by Zoom. This will enable all those who live far away, and even those overseas, to join us.

The practical workshops: Drawing, Carpentry and Photography – we must postpone to a later date when we will be able to return to the Zionist Tent in Oz VeGaon.


The links to lectures and classes will only be given to those who register.

* Registration for 14 monthly lectures on Sunday evenings (10 lectures in Hebrew and 4 in English) will include a one-time contribution of 100 shekel ($30) to help cover costs.


* Registration for the Tuesday Beit Midrash will include a contribution of 600 shekels ($180) per semester for all four classes (15 sessions per semester)

    or 150 shekel ($45) for just one class per semester to help cover costs.   All classes in the Beit Midrash for Women are in Hebrew.


To see the schedule of Sunday lectures and Tuesday Beit Midrash classes please click on: https://womeningreen.org/schedule-of-classes-at-oz-vegaon/


To register for Sunday Oz veGaon lectures with Israeli tax deductible Donation in shekels (with instructions and receipt in English )  https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/xyfY

To register for Sunday Oz veGaon lectures with US tax deductible Donation in US dollars  https://www.mightycause.com/donate/Womeningreen

To register for Tuesday Bet Midrash shiurim (Note: You must choose the correct option from the two choices): https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/x0Dm


One can also register by check or bank account.

To register by phone: For Sunday lectures: Renee Margolis 054-7103240

                                 For Tuesday Bet Midrash Shira Schreier 0547615402   


We are looking forward to seeing you (for now, by Zoom).

Please G-d, our tefillot will be answered and the Almighty will halt the pandemic from our midst.

Take good care of yourselves and your families! Stay healthy!


Wishing you a Chag Sameach!

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

050-5500834 050-7161818




יום שני, 28 בספטמבר 2020

[nashimbyarok-WIG] BDE-Rabanit Levinger בד"ה רבנית לוינגר


English follows Hebrew


הרבנית מרים לוינגר – ברוך דיין האמת


תנועת הריבונות מבכה את לכתה של הרבנית מרים לוינגר, ליבה הפועם של ההתיישבות מראשיתה, לוחמת אמיצה ללא חת למען ארץ ישראל, עם ישראל ותורת ישראל.

הרבנית מרים ניצבה כצוק איתן לצד בעלה המנוח, הרב משה לוינגר זצ"ל, מאז ימי הכניסה למלון פארק והובלת הכניסה ההרואית לבית הדסה בחברון, בכך חידשו את הישוב היהודי בעיר האבות.

הרבנית מרים הייתה לנו למגדל אור של אמת ברורה ונכוחה. גם אם לא תמיד היו דבריה פופולאריים לא נרתעה מלומר אותם מתוך נחישות ונחרצות של אהבת הארץ והעם.

הרבנית הנחילה למפעל ההתיישבות וההתנחלות את העיקרון לפיו עלינו לצעוד את הצעד הראשוני הקטן והקב"ה יסייע בצעדי ההמשך. כך פעלנו וכך פעלו אוהבי הארץ ומיישביה ההולכים בדרך אותה סללה עבורנו, ומכוחה אנו זוכים להתיישבות המפוארת והמרהיבה בארץ ישראל.

בנחמת ציון, חברון וירושלים ובבניינן תנוחם משפחתה של הרבנית. יהיו דרכה וזכרה ברוכים, יהיו אורחותיה ומסירותה למען ארץ ישראל לצוואת נצח עבור כולנו.

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
תנועת הריבונות





Rabbanit Miriam Levinger – Baruch Dayan HaEmet

The Sovereignty Movement mourns the passing of Rabbanit Miriam Levinger, the beating heart of the settlement movement from its inception, a courageous and fearless fighter for the Land of Israel, the People of Israel and the Torah of Israel.

Rabbanit Miriam stood as a solid rock alongside her late husband, Rav Moshe Levinger, zts"l, since the days of the entry to the Park Hotel and leading the heroic entry to Beit Hadassah in Hevron, which renewed the Jewish settlement in the City of the Fathers.

Rabbanit Miriam was a guiding light of clear and abiding truth to us. Even if her words were not always popular, she did not hesitate to say them with resolve and determination out of love for the Land and the People.

The Rabbanit instilled in the Settlement enterprise, the principle that we must take the first small step and the Almighty would help with the continuing steps. This is how we acted and this is how the lovers of the Land and its residents acted, who tread the path that she paved for us, and by the virtue of her strength, we have the merit of a glorious  and wonderful settlement enterprise in the Land of Israel.

May the Rabbanit's family be comforted in the building of  Zion, Hevron and Jerusalem. May her path and her memory be blessed, may her ways and her devotion to the Land of Israel be an eternal testament for us all.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

The Sovereignty Movement







יום שבת, 26 בספטמבר 2020

[nashimbyarok-WIG] The Land of Israel atones ארץ ישראל וכפרות


English follows Hebrew

ודרשו רבותינו שארץ ישראל מכפר על עוונות


חברים יקרים

ערב יום כיפור זה אנו קוראות לכם להפנות את כספי הכפרות לתנועת הריבונות לחיזוקה של ארץ ישראל.

מכתב של הרב ברוך אפרתי עם אסמכתא של הרב נבצל שליט"א ופרטים לתרומות – בלינק המצורף.



גמר חתימה טובה,

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר

תנועת הריבונות





Our Sages explain that the Land of Israel atones for sins


Dear Friends,

On the eve of this Yom Kippur we call upon you to direct your kaparot monies as a donation to the Sovereignty Movement for the strengthening of Eretz Yisrael.


By clicking on the link you will see a letter by Rabbi Baruch Efrati with an endorsement by Rav Neventzal shlita and a link for safe online tax-deductible shekel and / or dollar donations.



Gmar Chatima Tova,

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

The Sovereignty Movement founded by Women in Green





יום שישי, 25 בספטמבר 2020

[nashimbyarok-WIG] Sovereignty Newsletter # 25 מידעון


English follows Hebrew

מידעון 25 –ערב יום כיפור


חברים יקרים

מידעון 25 הועלה לאתר שלנו . להלן הלינק:



אנו נכנסים לתקופה זו מתוך אמונה גדולו בכוחו של העם בישראל, שצלח קשיים רבים לאורך קורותיו, לעמוד איתן באתגרי התקופה הקשה והמסובכת הזו.


שבת שלום וגמר חתימה טובה

יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר

תנועת הריבונות



NEWSLETTER # 25 – Eve of Yom Kippur

The newsletter has been uploaded on our website:



Dear friends,

Gmar Chatima Tova. May you be signed and sealed in the Book of Life.

The people of Israel are beginning another lockdown in the hope of halting the continued spread of the Corona virus. Along with great sorrow for all those who have died from the illness and with wishes for robust health for those who have been infected, we enter this period imbued with great faith in the ability of the people of Israel, who have overcome many difficulties throughout their history, to resolutely stand in the face of the challenges posed by this difficult and complex period.

We are experiencing this holiday season while maintaining difficult social distancing and physical separation from our loved ones and friends; however, the heartbeat of the people of Israel resounds in all our hearts. The living connection between all segments of the people will be strengthened by the sense of solidarity, empathy and willingness of each and every individual to forego his or her personal comfort for the sake of the health and lives of the general population. The people of Israel are strong in spirit despite the ill winds that blow from time to time, and they will emerge from this period even stronger.


Like the Gazelle in the Song of Songs

These days it may seem that the implementation of the vision of sovereignty is taking some steps backward, in light of the agreements in writing and orally, signed by the Prime Minister. We must remember the words of the sages, who likened the redemption of Israel as the running of the gazelle, which sometimes is revealed and sometimes is hidden.

In this complex period, we must mobilize anew and with renewed strength, increase the consciousness of sovereignty among the public and the leadership and bring it new life by striving to implement it.

Now is not the time for weakness and frailty of spirit. This is the time for innovative thinking on the correct way to promote the steps of sovereignty among the public and Israel's leadership. Our movement, and with it, the many supporters of the vision of sovereignty and lovers of the Land of Israel, have brought about the amazing change in consciousness from the trend of withdrawals and concessions to the vision of sovereignty and empowerment. The People of Israel is closer than ever to realizing the Zionist dream of the restoration of our sovereignty in our Land, and now we must strengthen ourselves, not be swept away by the weak-minded, but to continue the revolution. We have the power to do it. Together with you, it will happen. We will lead to true sovereignty of the People of Israel over all of its Land, not as a transaction, not as a deal, and not as part of an agreement to plunder parts of the Jewish People's homeland.

We will continue, we will act and please G-d we will succeed!


They will not be silenced

We take this opportunity to encourage Rav Shmuel Eliahu, Shlita, the Sovereignty Movement's rabbi, against those who seek to limit his steps and silence his clear and distinct voice, the voice of true, proud Judaism, which does not grovel or kowtow to anyone.

The High Court's decision to put Rav Eliahu on disciplinary trial for his positions on Torah is more of the trend to oppress anyone whose position does not conform to the opinion of the Left and its minions. Rav Eliahu's words on the obligation to fight fiercely anyone who tries to raise his hand to a Jew to kill him are the simple and basic truth that are found in the sources of the Jewish People – if someone rises to kill you, rise and kill him first. His remarks on the phenomenon of Arab terror, which views all Jews as a target, whether in Alon Moreh, Tel Aviv or Paris, are true and have nothing at all to do with politics.

May the hand of the rav, the spiritual guide to many in this difficult time, be strengthened. We will not allow the anti-democratic closing of mouths.



Among the various reports relating to the "historic agreement" that was signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, it is important to read and internalize the wise, careful and cautioning words of Prof. Aryeh Eldad, a true ideologue, who has experienced a thing or two in the political field as well, and knows how to read between the lines of agreements and beyond the blaring trumpets of the ceremonies.

To read his article in Hebrew click here – https://www.maariv.co.il/journalists/Article-790853

Here is a translation into English of the main paragraph:

Prof. Arieh Eldad Maariv September 20th, 2020:

The agreement with the Emirates is indeed a historic agreement. But not for the reasons that Netanyahu markets to us. It is historic that in this agreement, Netanyahu hid behind the back door an Israeli agreement to the Trump plan. That is, for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Those who bothered to read the agreement must be wondering where it is written. It ostensibly contains only vague and general statements about the need to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Then comes the ninth paragraph of the peace treaty: "Recalling the reception held on January 28,2020 at which President Trump presented his Vision for Peace and committing to continuing their efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive, realistic and enduring solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". This is the "Deal of the Century", which includes the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Until this week, it was an American declaration that no government and no Knesset in Israel has adopted or approved. Until this week. ……..

Hiding behind diplomatic and legal formulations - Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, said in an interview with CNN that Netanyahu agreed to relinquish sovereignty, recognize the Palestinian state and present a map of such a state.   …..

The lie of the "peace for peace" formula was exposed ….Netanyahu wants the Nobel Peace Prize. He was willing to pay for it by relinquishing Israeli sovereignty in the heart of our homeland, and with signed recognition of a plan that includes the establishment of a Palestinian state.


Who are the indigenous people here?

The disturbing story that has made headlines in every news column on the family from Gush Shiloh, who were caught in an Arab ambush of stones, were attacked viciously and after being saved by firing in the air, a case was brought against the father of the family, is yet one more piece of evidence of the decline in which we find ourselves, as a nation and as a state.

The outrageous story of Eitan Zeev, a Dolev resident, farmer who finds himself facing an indictment, after rescuing himself and his friends from a lynching that Arab rioters tried to carry out, is also evidence of the same difficult phenomenon that goes against common sense.

For the more than fifty years in which Israeli sovereignty has not been applied in Judea and Samaria, the regime and law enforcement have come to see the Arabs of Judea and Samaria as the indigenous people of the region and as the locals, and the Jews as temporary citizens. This approach is what has brought bloodshed to the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria and Jews who travel on the main traffic arteries and roads, again and again. This situation must be stopped and ended. We can do this with a decision on sovereignty and the sooner the better.


Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement

As we approach Yom Kippur, we call upon you to join and donate the money for kaparot to the continuation of the Sovereignty Movement's activities.  Regarding this, we bring you the words of Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, rabbi of the Jewish Quarter, who was asked about this by Rav Baruch Efrati, head of the Derech Emuna rabbis, and responded that "He who donates money to this Sovereignty fund, the merit for the Land will go to him. As it is said in Deuteronomy 32, 43: "He will forgive His Land and His People"

Rav Efrati notes, in a letter that he sent to our movement, that since the wording is "these are the deeds that will go for charity" it is possible to divide it and give part of the kaparot money to charity and part to the Sovereignty Movement "and with this, he will also be keeping the commandment of returning to the Land of Israel, about which the sages said that it is everything, compared to all commandments of the Torah".

Kaparot to the Sovereignty Movement:

1) For Israeli tax deductible shekel donations:




2) For US tax deductible dollar donations:



Friends of Sovereignty:




Shanah Tovah

Gmar Hatima Tovah

And Shabbat shalom,

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
