English follows Hebrew
מחויבים להמשיך בדרכו של ז'ק קופפר ז"ל
תנועת הריבונות מבכה את לכתו של ז'ק קופפר, יו"ר ISRAEL IS FOREVER, ממנהיגי תנועת בית"ר ומתומכיו הנאמנים והבולטים של חזון הריבונות והשיבה המלאה להר הבית.
ז'ק קופפר הביע במילים ובמעשים את אהבתו לעם ישראל ולארץ ישראל, חיזק והעצים את הקשר החי של יהודי צרפת לארץ ישראל והוביל לגל עליה משמעותי של יהודים מצרפת לארץ ישראל.
התיישבות, היאחזות בארץ ועלייה היו החזון שאותו הניף בכל עת ובכל מקום.
דבריו החמים, היוצאים מהלב בפשטות ומתוך אמת פנימית עמוקה, הציתו לבבות של רבים באהבה לארץ ישראל, בתחושת גאווה על זהותם היהודית ובדרישתם לריבונות ישראל על ארצו.
נפשו של ז'ק ז"ל הייתה נפש יהודי חופשיה ומנוערת מתסביכי נחיתות וחולשה לאומית.
את דגליו של העם היהודי הוא הניף מבלי להתנצל ומבלי להתרפס.
רוח זו ופעילותו הנמרצת למען עם ישראל הם המורשת אותה הנחיל לכולנו ואותן נמשיך, נקדם ונמנף הלאה להמשך הגשמת והעצמת החזון הציונות, לריבונות ישראל בארצו, בעירו ובהר קודשו.
עוד בחייו העביר ז'ק קופפר את השרביט הלאה לבתו, חברתנו היקרה עו"ד נילי נאורי, ויחד ליוו אותנו, חברי תנועת הריבונות, בצעדות, במשמרות המחאה והתמיכה ובפעילויות המגוונות למען הארץ והריבונות בה.
תנועתנו תמשיך לצעוד בדרכו ולאור אמונתו היוקדת של ז'ק ולמשפחתו נמסור תנחומים מלב אוהב.
בבניין ארץ ישראל ובריבונות עם ישראל בה תנוחמו.
לפני חצי שנה דיבר ג'ק במשמרת שלנו מול משרדי ראש הממשלה-שיחה שאסור לפספס
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
תנועת הריבונות
We are committed to continue in the path of Jacques Kupfer, z"l
The Sovereignty Movement mourns the passing of Jacques Kupfer, Chairman of Israel is Forever, one of the leaders of the Beitar movement and one of the most loyal and prominent supporters of the vision of sovereignty and the full return to the Temple Mount.
Jacques Kupfer expressed his love for the People of Israel and the Land of Israel with word and deed; he strengthened and reinforced the living connection of the people of France to the Land of Israel and led a significant wave of aliyah among the Jews of France to the Land of Israel.
Settlement, clinging to the Land, and aliyah were the vision that he promoted at all times and in all places.
His warm words from the heart, said simply and with a deep inner truth, lit up the hearts of many with love for the Land of Israel, with a sense of pride in their Jewish identity and their demand for Israeli sovereignty over its Land.
Jacques' Jewish soul was free of any inferiority complex or sense of national weakness.
He waved the banners of the Jewish People standing erect and without apology.
This spirit and his vigorous activities for the sake of the People of Israel are the legacy that he instilled in all of us and we will continue onward with them, we will promote and raise them high, to continue until their realization and to strengthen the Zionist vision, for Israeli sovereignty in its Land, in its city and in its holy Mount.
Long before his passing, Jacques Kupfer passed the baton to his daughter, our dear friend Atty. Nili Naouri, and together they accompanied us, members of the Sovereignty Movement in marches, in protest vigils and with support and activities for the sake of the Land and our sovereignty in it.
Our movement will continue to walk in Jacques' path and in the light of his ardent faith.
We send heartfelt condolences to his family. May you be consoled with the building of the Land of Israel and the People of Israel's sovereignty over it.
The Sovereignty Movement mourns the passing of Jacques Kupfer, Chairman of Israel is Forever, one of the leaders of the Beitar movement and one of the most loyal and prominent supporters of the vision of sovereignty and the full return to the Temple Mount.
Jacques Kupfer expressed his love for the People of Israel and the Land of Israel with word and deed; he strengthened and reinforced the living connection of the people of France to the Land of Israel and led a significant wave of aliyah among the Jews of France to the Land of Israel.
Settlement, clinging to the Land, and aliyah were the vision that he promoted at all times and in all places.
His warm words from the heart, said simply and with a deep inner truth, lit up the hearts of many with love for the Land of Israel, with a sense of pride in their Jewish identity and their demand for Israeli sovereignty over its Land.
Jacques' Jewish soul was free of any inferiority complex or sense of national weakness.
He waved the banners of the Jewish People standing erect and without apology.
This spirit and his vigorous activities for the sake of the People of Israel are the legacy that he instilled in all of us and we will continue onward with them, we will promote and raise them high, to continue until their realization and to strengthen the Zionist vision, for Israeli sovereignty in its Land, in its city and in its holy Mount.
Long before his passing, Jacques Kupfer passed the baton to his daughter, our dear friend Atty. Nili Naouri, and together they accompanied us, members of the Sovereignty Movement in marches, in protest vigils and with support and activities for the sake of the Land and our sovereignty in it.
Our movement will continue to walk in Jacques' path and in the light of his ardent faith.
We send heartfelt condolences to his family. May you be consoled with the building of the Land of Israel and the People of Israel's sovereignty over it.
Half a year ago Jacques spoke at our Sovereignty vigil in front of the PM's office. He spoke in Hebrew. A must to anyone who understands Hebrew
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
The Sovereignty Movement
The Sovereignty Movement
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